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Suggested chants for the pro-Israeli war demo

I expect the average BNP bonehead will be doing a double take and wondering whether it's the Arabs or the Jews their supposed to hate more.
Maybe they'll be representing the genuinely pro-war Right - "we don't care so long as they keep killing each other"?
1,2,3,4 We're a bunch of useless tossers who are either thick or evil or a combination thereof.

5,6,7,8 the effect of our demo will be two fold: one, to cheer on the mass slaughter of a defenseless civilian population by the regional superpower that oppresses them and two, piss all over the finest traditions of Judaism and the Jewish people by cheerleading one of the most shameful things ever committed in their name.

What it lacks in catchiness it more than makes up for in accuracy.
Here's the official placard:


surely the quickest and easiest way to end hamas's terror would be to cease frightening them?
To borrow from the great Mel Brooks:

"What do we want? A little peace...peace...piece...
A little piece of Syria and a bite of Egypt would do,
A hefty chunk of Jordan and some of Iraq too."
Greebo has suggested that marchers on the pro-Israeli demonstration borrow the old and well-known Millwall chant:

"Nobody loves us and we don't care".
From the river to the sea
No more arabs, we will see!

From the sea to the river
Israel, kill forever

1, 2, 3, 4

Israel, transfer them all!

5, 6, 7, 8

Time to eradicate!

i've never fully heard this (altho i'd heard about it). how utterly beyond contempt tbf. these are strange and nasty times we live in.
Nobody likes us, everybody hates us, we're gonna eat some worms...

Big fat juicy ones, little itsy bitsy ones, see how the big ones squirm...
i've never fully heard this (altho i'd heard about it). how utterly beyond contempt tbf. these are strange and nasty times we live in.

yeah...i have to say i made them up, but i've met zionist cunts who've quite happily expressed such views to me or i've heard them say it. the last time i went to the synagogue there was someone there - a woman - who started making jokes about "arabs" and saying, "dont you wish you could just go and kill? just kill them all"? :mad:

i do know/have met people who want "the transfer". :mad:
it is concerning to see the enthusiasm of some posters here to revive the old bloodlibel against the jews.
But there is a real determination of some on here to prove that supporters of Israel/ critics of Hamas must be fascists, cos the BNP has declared its support for Israel, is a very dodgy slur. Are we to understand that any cause that receives the support of the BNP is fascistic?
here is a (partial) list of movements and causes that by this criteria are fascist:
stop the war- bnp opposed the war against Iraq
animal rights- bnp oppose animal testing
peak oil theory- bnp have adopted peak oil theory
anti poll tax- bnp/nf opposed the poll tax

a cause cannot be held responsible if a nutter or group of nutters declare themselves in favour of it- only if they welcome those nutters into their ranks.
it is concerning to see the enthusiasm of some posters here to revive the old bloodlibel against the jews.
Where? Who?

a cause cannot be held responsible if a nutter or group of nutters declare themselves in favour of it- only if they welcome those nutters into their ranks.
There were several people welcomed into the ranks of the pro-Israel demo on Wednesday who carried placards understating the extent of Nazi attacks.
it is concerning to see the enthusiasm of some posters here to revive the old bloodlibel against the jews.
But there is a real determination of some on here to prove that supporters of Israel/ critics of Hamas must be fascists, cos the BNP has declared its support for Israel, is a very dodgy slur. Are we to understand that any cause that receives the support of the BNP is fascistic?
here is a (partial) list of movements and causes that by this criteria are fascist:
stop the war- bnp opposed the war against Iraq
animal rights- bnp oppose animal testing
peak oil theory- bnp have adopted peak oil theory
anti poll tax- bnp/nf opposed the poll tax

a cause cannot be held responsible if a nutter or group of nutters declare themselves in favour of it- only if they welcome those nutters into their ranks.

The BNP may put their name to these issues due to the current oppurtunist tactic they have in order to appear' normal', 'legitimate' and 'mainstream'. With the Gaza issue though they are latching onto the anti muslim/arab sentiment that the nutty pro zionist elements have. Its racism and the BNP are a racist party. If you look at some of the BNP material (if you can stomach it!) the reality is they see this current crisis as not their concern. They do support zionist so called self defence bollocks.

What pisses me off is that the zionists take real offence of the left using the term 'holocaust ' and 'genocide' to describe the tactics of the IDF. Yet are seemingly happy to tolerate BNPers and other extreme right crap who demonstrate support.

I am not enthusiastic about it.
Bearing mind that the Peace for Gaza and Israel Demo is being run by the Board of Deputies of British Jews a most unradical organisation

Unradical...maybe, but certainly not non-partisan and not necessarily representative of Britain's Jewish community either...though they'd like to think that they are.
The pro Israeli demo is having a feeder march from these charmers I expect.:hmm:

They are just trying to exploit it for their own ends. Can't see them getting much support on the day and they might even be weeded out. Unlike the left who will quite happily line up with supporters of clerical fascism even though they would be the first against the wall if the clerical fascists ever got into any sort of power. It is instructive to remember what happened to the Iranian Communist Party who liked up with the clerical fascists to fight against the Shah. They were either jailed or murdered.

The anti Hamas and pro peace demonstrators do have to be careful who is trying to take advantage of this event but we don't need lectures from the left about choosing friends when they have sold their collective souls to Islamic clerical fascism.
There was a pro israeli rally at a synagogue near my place on Friday. I had no knowledge of it till we drove by on our way to a restaurant to celebrate a family event.

Lots and lots of people there, plus a lot of cops and security. You never know, I guess: someone might have shown up and started shouting, 'throw the jew down the well'.

Had I known about it in advance, I'd have attended.
They are just trying to exploit it for their own ends. Can't see them getting much support on the day and they might even be weeded out. Unlike the left who will quite happily line up with supporters of clerical fascism even though they would be the first against the wall if the clerical fascists ever got into any sort of power. It is instructive to remember what happened to the Iranian Communist Party who liked up with the clerical fascists to fight against the Shah. They were either jailed or murdered.

The anti Hamas and pro peace demonstrators do have to be careful who is trying to take advantage of this event but we don't need lectures from the left about choosing friends when they have sold their collective souls to Islamic clerical fascism.

The left are marcing in solidarity with the people of Gaza who, according to the latest reports from the BBC, have just been leafleted by the Israeli's to inform them that they intend to escalate their military operations. So, more slaughter at an increased intense level.

Now, Zachor would you be opposed to this escalation?

Btw, it is reported that there will be a number of Jewish speakers and Rabbi's at the huge march today in London. Supporters of "clerical fascists"?
The anti Hamas and pro peace demonstrators do have to be careful who is trying to take advantage of this event but we don't need lectures from the left about choosing friends when they have sold their collective souls to Islamic clerical fascism.

Er.....not all the left have this view of supporting Islamic clerics.

By the way whats the difference between supporting Islamic clerical fascism and Zionist Fundamentalist Fascism?
'Manchester Palestine Solidarity Campaign are organising an Occupation of Albert Sq, outside of Manchesters Town Hall at 11 am on Sunday 11th January.

They are asking that people, Trade Unions, Peace Groups and Campaigns bring banners, leaflets and flags as they plan to take the whole square over.

It is also asked that people circulate this information.

Thank You

Palestine Solidarity Campaign Manchester '

This is on IUK, isn't it just asking for trouble, its opposing the big pro 'Isreal/peace for all' demo, of which unlike other on here i think some people not comfortable with STWC will attend. I have a lot of time for the PSC, especially my local one, but this may be a mistake.
Er.....not all the left have this view of supporting Islamic clerics.

Thank you for the correction I accept that. Not all the left is supporting Islamism I agree but a significant number of the left seems to have gone down this route.

By the way whats the difference between supporting Islamic clerical fascism and Zionist Fundamentalist Fascism?

Islamic clerical fascism is a totalitarian ideology very similar to other ideologies such as Nazism and Stalinism. I don't consider myself a Zionist fundamentalist, a Zionist yes but I want see an Israel which is at peace with neighbours and is a Jewish state where all Jews from the secular and the religious can find a place if they so desire. Religious Zionist fundamentalists such as the settlers in Hevron and people like Moshe Feiglin I have no time for.

The sad thing is a pissed off Israeli electorate (yup Israelis can vote for their govts unlike most of the govts surrounding them) may vote for someone who promises to do something about the continued violence being committed against them. That will not be good.
kbj? i thought you were supposed to be liberal? so why don;t you support this guy? see thread on mid east forum

From The Jewish Chronicle

Originally Posted by Simon Rocker, January 9, 2009
Rabbi Danny Rich, the chief executive of Liberal Judaism, has dissociated himself from Sunday’s Israel solidarity rallies in London and Manchester.

In a statement issued today, he said he could “not subscribe to the tone of the response, believing that, in accord with my Jewish teaching and humanitarian instinct, the appropriate reaction is to call for an immediate ceasefire (perhaps the Franco-Egyptian proposal) which may prevent further tragedy engulfing the Palestinian civilian population and save injury and worse to both Israelis in uniform and their fellow citizens in their homes.”

He said; “I am convinced that the continuing violence in the region will exacerbate tensions, nurture hatred, and make more difficult a peaceful resolution which is in the interests of both the Palestinian people and the State of Israel.”

The Liberal head is the first UK Jewish religious leader to publicly break ranks by declining to endorse the pro-Israel campaign agreed by Jewish leaders earlier this week.

He revealed that he had instead signed a statement with other faith leaders calling for a ceasefire and would be addressing a Muslim meeting in Batley on Sunday.

Rabbi Rich said; “I know that many of my colleagues and friends will be disappointed that I have gone public with these very serious reservations, and I have only done so after much prayer, reflection and thought.”

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