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Sunak promises to introduce mandatory national service for 18 year olds


Gloriously unworkable, fuckwitted piece of desperate electioneering here,
National service would engage young people in society again when "too many live in their own bubble", Home Secretary James Cleverly has told the BBC.

The Conservatives have pledged that, if they win the general election, 18-year-olds will have to take part in a scheme involving military or non-military service.

Mr Cleverly said it would "address the fragmentation in society" - but added that sending people to jail for not taking part was not being proposed.

Labour said the plan was "a desperate gimmick" with no viable funding.

If it didn’t drag the rest of us down it would be kind of funny if Sunak’s gang of fourth rate public school spivs actually won and had to deliver all of their bollocks against a collapsed economy. Like not letting a drunk get out of their be-shitted bed.

Gloriously unworkable, fuckwitted piece of desperate electioneering here,

One consolation of the austerity consolidator state is that it doesn’t now have the prison capacity to punish those who conscientiously object to conscription into professional killing

No teenagers will be sent to prison for avoiding the Conservatives’ proposed “mandatory” national service, James Cleverly has insisted.
One consolation of the austerity consolidator state is that it doesn’t now have the prison capacity to punish those who conscientiously object to conscription into professional killing

No teenagers will be sent to prison for avoiding the Conservatives’ proposed “mandatory” national service, James Cleverly has insisted.
But might have their benefit cut/stopped if they don't. :hmm: :(
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