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David Shayler says he's the New Messiah


Bring back hanging
High on another stunning presentation from Ian Crane, the atmosphere in a packed Glastonbury Town Hall was pregnant with expectation as David Shayler was wired for sound. Already prepared for controversy by host Andy Thomas, nobody could have anticipated what was about to occur. An extremely tolerant and generally sympathetic audience sat in stunned silence as they endured an hour long narcissistic monologue during which a frail-looking David Shayler explained that he was not only the re-incarnation of the Christ but also the re-incarnation of King Arthur, Leonardo Da Vinci and a whole host of other historically significant characters. As the monologue progressed, it would have been obvious to any student of Stanislav Grof that Mr Shayler is in the middle of his very own 'Spiritual Emergency'! When David Shayler concluded his self-obsessed rant by standing centre stage with arms outstretched in mock crucifixion, the raptuous ovation which had followed Ian Crane's presentation was replaced by polite but nervous applause.


Do you think he is Jazzz? You seem to have believed everyhting else that he's said after all...
Fruitloop said:
Mental, I don't get why so many conspiranoids go this way. Maybe the lizards put something in their tea :eek:

He's clearly been got at - as the truth campaign edges ever closer to the real truth these discrediting tactics will become ever more common. Slow poisoning has been suggested.
butchersapron said:
He's clearly been got at - as the truth campaign edges ever closer to the real truth these discrediting tactics will become ever more common. Slow poisoning has been suggested.

Is this your belief or is it your summation of what the conspiraloons will say?
KeyboardJockey said:
I reckon the second summing up what the Jazz-ites will say by way of explanation.

Odd isn't it, that they're only too eager to spam every board going with any old crap that they think supports their case(s) but that they've tried to keep the lid on this one for nearly a week now - even going so far as to suggest censoring the footage of his freak-out in the DVD package. We demand full disclousre!
max_freakout said:
David is exhibiting a standard, typical insight from a kundalini awakening

Shayla is experiencing personality break down from copious consumption of Ayahuasca, 'shrooms and hanging with loons.
butchersapron said:
He's clearly been got at - as the truth campaign edges ever closer to the real truth these discrediting tactics will become ever more common. Slow poisoning has been suggested.

Has a dentist looked at his teeth lately? He might be suffereing from mercury poisoning from his fillings, or more sinisterly the effects of the 'mind control' smallpox and whooping cough vaccines he had as a child.
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