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The Matt Hancock File

Will Hancock be Health Secretary on 19th July

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(Just because there have been people calling out for one, and there seems to be increasing levels of shite coming from him at the minute.)

Tory MP uses his position of power to get his end away, SHOCKER.
It's the use of public money to employ the individual concerned that might prove tricky for Hancock; harder to hide behind the right to personal privacy line.
Not in the right forum though is it.

I only pointed it it was being discussed, I hadn't noticed it was in the wrong forum.

Perhaps it should be moved? Otherwise we'll just end up with duplicate posts across two threads on the same subject.
Since I heard about Matt Hancock having an affair I have this image of him, you know, having an affair, and I have had to take to meditation to get rid of the image. I have been lighting joss sticks and have meditated four times to erase the memory. I say memory, its more of a mental scar or wound. I am going for a shower, and then I might ring for an exorcist.
I wonder if the changes in language Covid has engendered will filter through to wider society.

So instead of random blokes in vans shouting 'fancy a shag?', it'll be 'fancy breaching the social distancing guidelines with me?' :hmm:
You have to assume that interviews are going to be incorporating oblique references "Tell us Mr Hancock about test & trace - do you see an end to the whole affair? And what social distancing recommendations do you have for people now that hanky panky is allowed again?"
This is the wrong thing for him to go down for. Hard to avoid the feeling that it's perhaps rather convenient for him to be forced out for something like this.
Boris can't sack/force a resignation for being an incompetent health secretary because ultimately he (Boris) would be responsible for appointing/overseeing the incompetence. This'll do.
Boris can't sack/force a resignation for being an incompetent health secretary because ultimately he (Boris) would be responsible for appointing/overseeing the incompetence. This'll do.

There's no actual consequence for him overseeing that incompetence though is there? If Johnson feels like chucking Hancock out then he can do it whenever he wants, I don't see he needs to manufacture an excuse, and if he did it wouldn't be something that very closely reflected his own dodgy behaviour.
Our first ever grandchild was born in early April 2021.
We are in South London, she is in North London and now a bonny nearly 15 months old.
Apart from on the phone, due to following the rules conscientiously we have seen her only four times in the flesh. Only once even sitting side by side to look at a child’s book, not even cuddling and such.
First and only grandchild.
Yet Hancock can get away with betraying his family and getting it on with his aide, even to the ‘don’t give a fuck’ point of being pictured.
But of course his philandering boss says it’s OK because Hancock is sorry.
So does that mean the Ugandan discussions are now all over?
Like millions of others we have resisted the emotional and physical pull of family interaction to follow the rules, but Hancock gets away with it. Gets away with his knob satisfaction when he could have squirrelled himself away with some bog roll and fantasies of underpaid nurses.
You want to know why?
You don’t need me to tell you, it’s because they are cunts, all Tories are cunts.
They are also the winning cunts.
Thing is none of these Tory scum have a conscience, none of them have any scruples and Johnson can't sack Hancock for this because then he opens himself up to all calls of hypocrisy for all he has done.
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