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Live video 'portal' between New York And Dublin closes after predictable 'inappropriate behaviour'


Oh dear.

Last week, a "portal" was opened between New York, USA, and Dublin, Republic of Ireland. Before even a week was up, the portal had to be closed again temporarily due to "inappropriate behavior" on the Dublin side.

The idea behind the portals, a creation by Lithuanian artist Benediktas Gylys, is pretty neat. Both cities – and potentially further cities in the future – livestream footage of their location to each other via a large circular screen.

"Portals are an invitation to meet people above borders and differences and to experience our world as it really is - united and one," Gylys explained in a statement. “The livestream provides a window between distant locations, allowing people to meet outside of their social circles and cultures, transcend geographical boundaries, and embrace the beauty of global interconnectedness.”

"I would encourage Dubliners and visitors to the city to come and interact with the sculpture," Lord Mayor of Dublin Daithí De Róiste added, "and extend an Irish welcome and kindness to cities all over the world."

The portal was greeted with enthusiasm by many in both cities, with performances planned over the upcoming months on both sides of the livestream.

I think they're working on it so that it will not transmit anything from a smart phone screen. After someone shoved their phone up to it with an image of the twin towers collapsing.

It's definitely gotten attention for the artist...and Dublin for the worst reasons.
Reading the thread title I had a brief hope that it was a portal that people could actually walk through and immediately be in the other city, disappointed it's just a camera for people to flaunt their bare arses at
It would be great!!

But its an Art Installation Piece.
Tbf, and it doesn't excuse the swastikas etc, but most (from what have heard) folks seem to be enjoying it.

There's always a few arseholes in Dublin and right now some them appear to be empowered by online mischief.

Fuck em.
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After the Blaine-in-a-Box debacle, the Merkins know better than to try

That was what I was thinking of. The radio controlled helicopter with a burger tied to it was up there with Elgar’s Nimrod for making me proud to be English.
Lots of school kids were at it yesterday. It is a pretty cool thing.

The New York side's behaviour has been impeccable apparently

Not quite

Ava Louise, who has more than 400,000 followers on Instagram, claimed in a post Sunday that she forced organizers to pull the plug on the portal after she flashed her breasts from the American side to her counterparts in Ireland.

From what I could see it was mostly knobbers on the Dublin side that were ruining it for everyone showing photos of the twin towers in flames and signs that said ‘wanker’ etc. If that woman hadn't bared all, you can bet it would've only been a matter of time before something else happened to get it shut down.

Also sticking something that close to Talbott Street and broadcasting to a touristy area in NY, when people are bound to be more inebriated in Dublin (5 hours ahead), is asking for trouble.
From what I could see it was mostly knobbers on the Dublin side that were ruining it for everyone showing photos of the twin towers in flames and signs that said ‘wanker’ etc. If that woman hadn't bared all, you can bet it would've only been a matter of time before something else happened to get it shut down.

Also sticking something that close to Talbott Street and broadcasting to a touristy area in NY, when people are bound to be more inebriated in Dublin (5 hours ahead), is asking for trouble.

Tbf , not everyone is inebriated in Dublin at that time of the day. Again, not excusing arseholes and their behaviour.

(Curious to know if any of the likers for your posts have been to Talbot Street.)
Not quite

Ava Louise, who has more than 400,000 followers on Instagram, claimed in a post Sunday that she forced organizers to pull the plug on the portal after she flashed her breasts from the American side to her counterparts in Ireland.

I don't mind drunk twats or people being dickheads. It's the influencers and Only Fans types looking to monetise their shit channels than don't impress me.
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