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Why the Guardian is going down the pan!

I don't see how even you could read this into an entirely laudable article. How do you get from the completely valid point that immigrants are disproportionately of working age and entrepreneurial, to immigrant "exploitability"?
Because that is the argument he is making.

If he'd pointed out that the economic benefits are immense (which is why all governments up until these numpties encouraged it) but not shared whilst the government uses divide and rule to demonise immigrants, weaken unions and undermine wages (which is what all governments do because the private sector wants cheap labour, not organised labour) then I'd have no argument.

But he is saying most of that and concluding that exploiting immigrants is good because he likes his servants cheap and fuck the rest of us.

Which is a bit of a cunt's trick. Although sadly it is not at all difficult to work out that you approve. You're New Labour, ffs!
He did tell you to read to the end. :)

He's making an important point.

Whilst sadly missing the fact that it is time for men to face up to the problem of sexual abuse because women and children fighting it on their own clearly is not working.

I find the article offensive to those who have experienced and/or are at high risk of sexual abuse. But also a righteous slap to ridiculous racist tropes in the media. Black people are not responsible for a disproportionate amount of crime, but men are responsible for a disproportionate amount of the sexual (and other) violence visited on women and children so he could maybe have chosen a less sensitive topic to rip the piss with.

Not that he'd know that it was sensitive unless he stopped to think about it. That's the problem with these hierarchy of oppression liberal types. They think that being oppressed means you automatically understand the oppression of others. And that class is not an oppression at all. :facepalm:

Did I eckers like read it to the end :D:oops::facepalm:
Fdelman faces meeting in 'loons' row

Correct @ 23:32 19/05/13

Dontcha just love the Graun... :D


"You can't even spell my name right you cunts"

They've corrected it now, unfortunately.
The Guardian supports sustainable blacklisting and bullying:

GMB members who have been involved in a more than year-long industrial dispute with Carillion at Swindon’s Great Western Hospital were astonished to learn the company had been shortlisted for The Guardian’s prestigious “Sustainable Business Award”.

The award ceremony took place last Wednesday, and GMB members protested outside the event.

The dispute involving 150 cleaners and porters has centered around claims of bullying and harassment by supervisors on the Carillion contract, and the practice of some supervisors shaking down staff for gifts of gold and money in exchange for holiday approvals, overtime or shift changes.

In the lead up to the Guardian awards, as the GMB branch secretary, I sent a number of tweets to the judges of the awards, I also wrote a blog post encouraging others to do the same.

Each of my tweets quoted a link to a Guardian article, highlighting Carillion’s involvement with blacklisting, or the malpractice at the Swindon hospital. The tweets asked judges how they could justify honouring Carillion.

As a result, on 10th May, Clarks Legal, the law firm representing Carillion, issued a letter to me following the pre-action protocol for libel, and demanding that the blog post and tweets be taken down.
"we're talking about wearable punk"


Q: What is a typical work day for you?

No such thing, which is why it’s such a great job. I could be in the front row in Paris, or interviewing a new designer in Dalston, or at my desk with the team writing a column and having a laugh putting the measure together. It’s all fun.
I didn't think this boy could get any more pompous. I was wrong. Here he is arguing that the correct response to people doing extreme thing is to ignore them:

Just as Breivik's views on Islam did not deserve a hearing by the right, so the left should not use Woolwich to make its case on foreign policy
Maybe a US style constitution would stop this eh Johnathon? (Top private school then oxbridge - of course)
What is the current thing with stupid hats and scarves? There's a female writer (who is occasionally not that bad) and some dross about philosophy today from another dude that looks like he's wandered into Claire's Accessories while tripping.
That's a very good article from Vice - the guardian should hire the writer.

The coffeeshop is an insane idea, they should have done a Michelin starred restaurant instead
Or they could have phoned every business taking a weeny classified ad and tried to charge them 50% extra to double the size. Or cooked up an affiliate deal with a firm that offers alpine walking holidays in Libya, or sent a work experiencer to every newsagents in Merton to hide the Independents under the Exchange & Marts. There's a limitless number of things they could have done which would have been more sensible, but it's difficult to think of anything which would have been sillier.
Over on Guido who's worked out the guardians break even coffee

''''Using figures from landlords We Are Pop Up, Guido has ground the numbers and calculated how many coffees theGuardianhas to sell a day to break even:
  • Rent for one unit at BoxPark Shoreditch is £5,000 for every three months. Guardian Coffee has knocked three units together, making the cost for a year plus VAT £72,000.
  • There is a one off service charge for each box of £1,250, and electricity for each box is £150 a month. That makes £9,150 for the year.
  • Fitting the shop itself is valued at £25,000.
  • Business rates for Hackney Council are calculated as 47.1% of the annual rent, totalling £33,912.
  • A shop manager and four staff (based on witness reports of staff numbers) would together cost a minimum of around £100,000.
  • That is an estimated total cost per year of £240,062.
  • Each coffee is sold for £2.50.
  • At an estimated whosesale price of £10 per kilo from Nude Espresso, at 7 grams a cup that makes a fair trade gross profit of £2.43 per coffee.
Meaning they have to sell 98,791 coffees to break even. That’s 8,233 coffees a month, 1,900 a week, or 270 a day – basically one every 2 minutes...
At the time of going to pixel, before Guardian Coffee sadly removed their data infographic from the internet, on their big opening day they had sold just 60 coffees. Another Guardian financial success''''
Over on Guido who's worked out the guardians break even coffee

''''Using figures from landlords We Are Pop Up, Guido has ground the numbers and calculated how many coffees theGuardianhas to sell a day to break even:
  • Rent for one unit at BoxPark Shoreditch is £5,000 for every three months. Guardian Coffee has knocked three units together, making the cost for a year plus VAT £72,000.
  • There is a one off service charge for each box of £1,250, and electricity for each box is £150 a month. That makes £9,150 for the year.
  • Fitting the shop itself is valued at £25,000.
  • Business rates for Hackney Council are calculated as 47.1% of the annual rent, totalling £33,912.
  • A shop manager and four staff (based on witness reports of staff numbers) would together cost a minimum of around £100,000.
  • That is an estimated total cost per year of £240,062.
  • Each coffee is sold for £2.50.
  • At an estimated whosesale price of £10 per kilo from Nude Espresso, at 7 grams a cup that makes a fair trade gross profit of £2.43 per coffee.
Meaning they have to sell 98,791 coffees to break even. That’s 8,233 coffees a month, 1,900 a week, or 270 a day – basically one every 2 minutes...
At the time of going to pixel, before Guardian Coffee sadly removed their data infographic from the internet, on their big opening day they had sold just 60 coffees. Another Guardian financial success''''

Light ''news" day in Staines world?

I'd imagine that many coffee oultets do sell that many cups a day?:confused:
the guardian recently ran an articule on tax evasion on its "comment is free" blog and the guardian's censorbots were kept very busy deleting all the posts questioning the guardians own ofshore tax arrangements
Yep. And of course the Guardian doesn't pay any corporation tax anyway - cos it doesn't make any money. In fact, it loses £75m per year and is propped up by Auto Trader's profits. Those losses help to reduce the tax bill elsewhere.... :rolleyes:
This Sikh stopped buying the guardian on a regular basis fifteen years ago when the guardian started being the loyal mouthpiece of the grinning spinning blair and his tory clone nu-labour and stopped buying it completely when the guardian became the mouthpiece of cleggnocchio and his lib-democrats as they climbed further and further up callmedave's backside......:eek:
this is utterly bizarre - crowdsourcing a profile for their own columnist. :confused:


It's not that weird. The dedicated editorial staff in the US - and certainly the roster of big hitting commentators - is clearly much smaller than Madison Avenue was promised when the Graun set up shop in NY. It appears just to be Glenn these days who is left to be favourited every day on the Android app, and who is their best hope for engaging high-income progressive readers from Sepptonia.

So it makes absolute sense to pretend to advertisers that he has a loyal and personal following who would rush to the shops and stock up on whatever brand of fair trade cocoa opted to sponsor his column. Gathering robust and compelling data about these Glennites is vital.
''''Using figures from landlords We Are Pop Up, Guido has ground the numbers and calculated how many coffees theGuardianhas to sell a day to break even:

I thought 'pop ups' were meant to be 'not for profit, wasn't there an agency set up partly by Dougald Hine and others, or is this a co-option of the idea.

Hey Labour, ignoring people over Europe is democratic because UKIP is against.

"Labour's hard task is not just to instil trust in the party but to repair the idea of good government. Honesty, authenticity and conviction build trust, while overcaution seems shifty. Trust comes not just from popular policies, such as massive home-building, but sticking to unpopular ones. Refusing a referendum because Ed Miliband will not lead Britain out of Europe to its destruction may be more of a winner than it seems: Ukip is the democratic choice for exit, Labour for staying at the international table.
However counterintuitive in this era, Labour needs to hymn the good the state does and the civilising value of what taxes buy – health, education, safety, proud public spaces. All the things that people value most."
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