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Things you'd like to see over the next 6 weeks


Slouching towards Billingham
Kieth - to fall down an open manhole cover whilst fleeing Beth Rigby.

Ratboy - rolled in manure and defenestrated.

John Swinney - run over by a motor home.

Ed Davey - found dead in a Post Office safe.

Richard Tice - eaten by lice.

Greens - shrugs

Galloway - someone saluting his indefatigability has his eye out.

Suits that do not shrink in the rain.​
Celtic pumping Rangers in the cup final.

Scotland to win a game at the Euros.

My Darts team to beat the hipster/cop bar that operate out of Park Slope. (Have to beat the other hipster bar in the semi final first.)

Socialist Revolution.

*More chance of a socialist revolution than Scotland winning a game.
Anything to do with Islingon North, Corbyn and a new candidate. The press will be all over it, plenty of chances for Sir Keef to blubber-bluster and expose his shallowness.
Starmer, Rayner or any Labour heavy candidate having the balls to denounce the Rwanda policy as not just inadequate but as a nauseating, inhumane policy, and describe the Conservative government of the last few years and most of their highest profile Cabinet ministers as the abominable Trumpian ultra right wing scumbags they are.
According to the Public Accounts Committee there is a “real and rising risk” that the Palace of Westminster will be destroyed by a catastrophic event due to constant risk of fire.

17th July is the date to hope for, as that's due to be the State Opening and King's Speech, when all the MPs, Lords and King will be there.
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