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The skateboard graveyard on the River Thames


It's where old skateboards go to die.


Horrible story, had never heard about that before.

If the skateboard graveyard is some kind of tribute to him I like the idea of that.
Hadn't noticed this, presumably decks which have got broken/replaced by skaters at South Bank. No idea if its a tribute, but I hope so.
I think that is one of the reasons why the dingy old footbridge was replaced by the ones we have now.

Not sure if that specific incident was, but the old footbridge was very unpleasant (even in atmosphere terms), and the replacements are much better.
Not sure if that specific incident was, but the old footbridge was very unpleasant (even in atmosphere terms), and the replacements are much better.
I liked the old footbridge but then it was nowhere near as popular as the two bridges are now. Used to rattle like fuck when a train went past.
The old bridge was fun to skate over, one false move around a pedestrian and you'd lose your deck to the Thames, but I'm glad its gone 'cos it always reminded me of that horror.
I liked the old footbridge but then it was nowhere near as popular as the two bridges are now. Used to rattle like fuck when a train went past.

The new bridges also have lifts which are of great benefit to wheelchair and pushchair users.
just bumping this as I'm currently writing about it - I've been skating for coming up to 20 years and I've always understood (and certainly been shared belief amongst mates) it as a tribute to the lad murdered on the old bridge
It got cleared up about a year ago, decks and shoes reappeared, but I walked over last week and it seemed to have been cleared again.

No one knows if it is a tribute or just somewhere to lob your busted boards, guess even if it didn't start as a tribute it is now.
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