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Is it manky to leave washing out overnight?


Crimble crumble.
My mum always said it was, because of the dew. But it's cold(ish) outside and I feel lazy. That's fine, isn't it? It'll all dry off tomorrow. Bit of dew never hurt anyone, surely? Or is my mum right?

Although I just checked the weather and it might rain. Rain definitely is manky, my mum was double sure about this. Or is she wrong about that, too?
If the washing is only left out for one night, I wouldn't worry too much about dew or rain. OTOH I might bother to bring it in if I thought somebody was going to light a bonfire or barbecue, unless you don't mind the smokey smell clinging to your nice clean clothes etc.
I am a complete slattern when it comes to leaving washing out. 3 or 4 days is my usual at the moment cos it's blazing sun until I realise it's then raining and it's too late to get it in, so I just leave it out :oops:
I don't even put my washing out because I am so lazy I have not cut the bush back that lives behind the clothes hanger thing and now the bush has engulfed the clothes hanger .. so lazy !! :)
When I was living in a shared house (see Girls on Top) my mate left her washing out in the garden for about 8 months. Eventually I brought it in and the pegs crumbled. I don't think she ever even thought that was manky. :(
When I was living in a shared house (see Girls on Top) my mate left her washing out in the garden for about 8 months. Eventually I brought it in and the pegs crumbled. I don't think she ever even thought that was manky. :(

Now that's what you'd call properly rinsed washing.She may have had an allergy to washing power, we just don't know.
I have just put some washing out. IT will stay there until tomorrow when I get in from work. No matter what.
I sometimes leave it out at night.
My mum always told me not to because of the damp but what do mums know really.
I sometimes leave it out at night.
My mum always told me not to because of the damp but what do mums know really.
Actually I have no idea if dew does anything manky to your washing. I have been known to leave it out. Old habits die hard and all :)
I reckon that in the summer, like now, it's fine. It gets dewy, it dries. It gets rained on, it dries.

There is something uniquely nasty about that damp smell dry clothes get though. It gives me the willies a bit. I think that comes from leaving stuff in the machine though.

I'm well precious about my washing :D
clothes that have been rained on always feel nice and soft - course we have nice genteel cambridge rain here.
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