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European parliament elections

Here's the cropped info 1000076255.jpg
The choice of descriptors under their signature is interesting. Roussel went for his work credentials "MP for Nord, ex presidential elections candidate". Deffontaine went for "from Amiens, from a farming family".
The French offering is grim.


Is it me or do half of them look like flyers for Edinburgh Fringe comedy gigs?

These guys look like a magic act


And this looks like some sort of comedy panel quiz


True story. I used to occasionally get these delivered to my flat because, evidently some French people lived there before me and IIRC London is like the '6th biggest city' in terms of French population. Wild.
Is it me or do half of them look like flyers for Edinburgh Fringe comedy gigs?

True story. I used to occasionally get these delivered to my flat because, evidently some French people lived there before me and IIRC London is like the '6th biggest city' in terms of French population.
reading the manifesto I didn't know if I should like of cry so it's not an unfair comparison.

Top left list for example pledges to:
change the law so farmers are allowed to shoot wolves on sight
eliminate VAT on petrol/diesel
provide places in institutions for all disabled people (the whether they want to be institutionalised or not is implied - which is probably under upholding the French traditions - context: the UN has slated France's over institutionalisation approach more than once Experts of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Raise Questions about the Medical Approach to Disability Used in France | The United Nations Office at Geneva )
and more. I was going to say their manifesto has plenty a dog whistle but then I remembered it's not really a dog whistle if everyone can hear it loud and clear
Projections across the EU are for the far right to increase their number of MEPs . For those watching in black and white there are two far right groupings , the ECR led by Melloni and the Identity and Democracy group which is dominated by National Rally ( and have just kicked out the AfD). The far right are no longer advocating leaving , they want to be the driving force of a protectionist, national identity, conservative EU. Melloni in particular is courted by Van de Leyen .
The far right are no longer advocating leaving , they want to be the driving force of a protectionist, national identity, conservative EU.
It fits in with the wolves haters above (they also hate cormorans), in their pledges under the "culture" heading they have: creation of an institute to preserve regional languages and maintaining traditional European practices via a "Culture and Traditions" European directive.

The Frexit ones (4th on the top row) also want to exit NATO (the rest of their pledges is pretty much a carbon copy of the Brexit promises more money, bonfire of red tap, fewer brown people that sort of thing)
True story. I used to occasionally get these delivered to my flat because, evidently some French people lived there before me and IIRC London is like the '6th biggest city' in terms of French population. Wild.
There's around 140K French nationals registered with the UK Consulates.
It's not mandatory to register but if you don't it becomes more difficult to do a lot of things admin related if you are not so most people who are settled probably are so it gives a rough idea (French bureaucracy can be interesting, its a different brand to English bureaucracy neither is worse or better, they are just different, rigid and arbitrary in different and random ways).

This map confirms the numbers I'd seen before MEAE - Français résidents à l'étranger 2023
BBC article on the Euros elections and the move to the right.

Great pity that the author doesn't explore the reasons behind this explanation

'As the left moved to the centre on socio-economic battles, the right and far right grew in strength, says Pawel Zerka. Cordons aimed at keeping the more extreme parties at bay then cemented the perception that they, rather than the left, were the real opposition to the centre.
The left then started to champion issues like gender, LGBT rights or green policies: popular with urban young voters, less so with working-class families.
"In many European countries the centre left is now seen as the rich progressive elite of the cities," argues Mr Zerka."

In depth discussion about candidates in Ireland and possible out comes

An exit poll in the Netherlands suggests Geert Wilders and his far-right Freedom Party have made big gains in the European Parliament elections. The Dutch vote is seen as an early litmus test for the far right.

Exit poll predicts tight race between far right and center left in the Netherlands​

An exit poll published by national broadcaster NOS has suggested that the center left alliance and Geert Wilders' far-right party were neck-and-neck in the vote for the European Parliament.
The exit poll of around 20,000 Dutch voters predicted the Green/Labour alliance of former European Commissioner Frans Timmermans was set to gain eight seats in Thursday's election.
Wilders and his far-right Freedom Party were projected to win seven, according to NOS.
The exit poll has an error margin of roughly one seat.
Thirty-one of the European Parliament's 720 seats are up for grabs in the Netherlands. It was the first EU country to vote in the EU elections, which are taking place over four days.
The final results for the Netherlands will be announced on Sunday evening once the bloc's other member states have held their votes.
The Green/Labour alliance is far more progressive than the tag, "centre left", would describe. I would describe it just as left-wing.
Just breaking on BBC news channel that president Macron of France has disvoled parliament and new election to take place next month
Portugal exit polls from CNN

I've used google translate , so by way of explaination Enough is Chega, Free is Livre.IL are free market liberals

Let that sink in. AfD and the SDP tying in Berlin whilst the Greens get hammered

Interesting that the split from Die Linke has taken 9.1% less than six months after it was founded. Seems to be a Gallowayish economic left/social right effort? And clearly culled a load of votes from the Greens.
Interesting that the split from Die Linke has taken 9.1% less than six months after it was founded. Seems to be a Gallowayish economic left/social right effort? And clearly culled a load of votes from the Greens.
They won a Mayoral competition beating the AfD with 56.6% of the votes in Thuringia the other month. I wouldn't put them in the same boat as Galloway. Well just yet anyway, prob need to wait and see.
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