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And now a French General election too (2024)


How do I change this 'custom title' thing then?
It's been reported on various news outlets that France are to have a snap General election on June 30th and 7th July following the result of the EU elections and Macron gets beaten by Marie La pens rally national

So if le Pens party win she or someone else fron her party could become prime minister of France meaning Macron could be scuppered in trying to pass laws in france
Can someone merge these please. I suggest mine has the year so might be more useful in future. Will report my post…
Suggest the later thread with no dates merged with this one please?
Vive la France! Vive not checking if there is an existing thread!
Seems to be an effort to get ahead of a forthcoming battering from Les Republicains and avoid the spectacle of a limping government over the next few months. Can't see it working though.
Macron just dissolved the French parliament. Eyes down for a full house…

National Rally are projected to have got 31% of the vote in the French euro elections , that is around twice as much as Macron;s party.
Ok so what chance Macron's lot are squeezed and NUPES win a majority? Prime Minister Melenchon? It's a big ask, but if Ensemble collapse...
So, National Front Rally got around twice the number of votes for Macron's party in the Euro-elections, that's worrying, I hope it's not going to be repeated in the national elections, this could back-fire on Macron.
Turnout in the national election will be much higher. Need to galvanise everyone around the idea that NUPES is the only realistic alternative to NF. ;)
Turnout in the national election will be much higher. Need to galvanise everyone around the idea that NUPES is the only realistic alternative to NF. ;)
The Socialist Party looks like they finished third in the Euros standing by themselves. They seem to have left NUPES over a row with Melechon over the Israel/Gaza war . I'm not sure whether they will call for a vote behind them or go back into NUPES or possibly propose a 'left alliance without Melechon.
RN would have to make huge gains to secure a majority, but if Ensemble could not secure a majority two years ago I don't see how they will now. Unless the divided opposition forces allow them to make some gains, but that's a very risky strategy
I am not a big follower of French politics TBH, it's been hard enough finding time to follow our own shitshow, but I see not only did Marine Le Pen's National Rally win about 32% of the vote, but there's another far-right party run by Marion Maréchal-Le Pen, niece of Marine and granddaughter of Jean-Marie, that won 5%, and is proposing a coalition with her aunt. Blimey, what a family!

So, that's basically 37% to the far-right. :(
Idly browsing the Wikipedia page for the Summer Olympics. Included in the listing for each Olympics is who officially 'opened' the games. The entry for the upcoming Paris games now reads a bit more dramatically than it would have done a couple of days ago...

RN would have to make huge gains to secure a majority, but if Ensemble could not secure a majority two years ago I don't see how they will now. Unless the divided opposition forces allow them to make some gains, but that's a very risky strategy
Macron may surprise us but I get the feeling that the formula where centrist parties having created the conditions for the far right then appeal for voters to stop the far right isn't something that can go on forever.

Macron may surprise us but I get the feeling that the formula where centrist parties having created the conditions for the far right then appeal for voters to stop the far right isn't something that can go on forever.

View attachment 428327
I like that. Well done to whoever created it. Quite right in where it positions the UK, as well. This latest incarnation of the Tories was the far right, UK-style.
This is worse than Sunak's effort - at least our Rishi inherited a mess, Macron spent years patiently and deliberately creating his.
It does have some integrity.
The EUros elections were defo one in the eye for Macron's European worldview . After rule by Presidental decree probably had that coming. That said the 'pour encourage les autres' approach to Brexit seems to have worked with regards France's rightist parties. They are swimming against the tide though. Well the undertow of ever closer union and the reform needed. Be intresting to see who does have the wind and whom is more adept with daggerboard setting.

Will be an intresting election...or not if ours is anything to go by.
It does have some integrity.
The EUros elections were defo one in the eye for Macron's European worldview . After rule by Presidental decree probably had that coming. That said the 'pour encourage les autres' approach to Brexit seems to have worked with regards France's rightist parties. They are swimming against the tide though. Well the undertow of ever closer union and the reform needed. Be intresting to see who does have the wind and whom is more adept with daggerboard setting.

Will be an intresting election...or not if ours is anything to go by.
Can't quite follow this. Who is swimming against the tide and what tide are they swimming against?
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