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Enough is Enough


Well-Known Member
Whatever happened to this? One well attended rally in Brum, where the some of the speakers acted like coked up rock stars, then nothing.

What a waste of time that was.
I was impressed to realise that Enough is Enough have vanished so totally without trace that the organisers of the Zionist counterdemos now feel able to use their name for their own totally unrelated campaign, eg:

At least I assume it's a totally unrelated campaign, maybe everyone who signed up to that giant mailing list is now getting emails asking them to come out and protest for Israel, but it'd seem like a bit of an odd turn if so.
Main thread here Cost of Living Crisis: Enough is Enough Campaign

Some of us were told we were too pessimistic about EIE, but it was clearly the same strategy of no-strategy that union leadership has been following since, what, the 90s? The only way to grow their influence is to create grassroots movement, so they say they are going to do that, but in fact they are scared of a grassroots that would disagree with them, so they in fact put no real effort in, and we get just the appearance of a movement for a moment, which dies away unmourned.
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I was impressed to realise that Enough is Enough have vanished so totally without trace that the organisers of the Zionist counterdemos now feel able to use their name for their own totally unrelated campaign, eg:

View attachment 426521
View attachment 426522
That poster is fucking awful. Makes me want to wretch.
That poster is fucking awful. Makes me want to wretch.
I was thinking that, apart from anything else, I have absolutely no idea who Lee Kern is, but turns out he's one of the scriptwriters for Borat 2. Bet you regret missing the rally now, eh?
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