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Dulwich Hamlet FC 2013-2014 season - chat, rumours, reports

I've nearly lost my voice from all the singing and my arm hurts from vigorously waving my Hamlet scarf aloft. Proper game that.
Bah humbug. If anyone hears of any not-total-shit Monday-Friday jobs let me know. Nightshifts destroying my marriage is one thing, but missing the football? Another fucking bastard level of sodbaked debauchery.
You would have loved it, a great away day. can't wait for some pictures of the pink flare, mine came out shit.
Feel proud, people:
Why we changed tactics in 2nd half I don't know. Stopped pressing, stopped passing, sat back. Hey ho you can't legislate for 2 belters like they scored though. And they completely out sung us too!! Overall a fair result for both teams
Great size crowd and fair play to DH. I thought their fans magnificent and how rare to see away support in numbers in our division. And a first for me... A smoke flare. Felt like a champions league game! All in all a point each a fair result. Good luck to DH in the play offs and I for one would not mind them coming up with us!

I liked Wealdstone's ground with its hotchpotch of different stands and picnic-worthy grass banks.
The banning of beer in the stands when watching the game wasn't so good though.
So fucking jealous. PINK MOTHERFUCKING SMOKE!!!!!! Whoever did it MORE PLEASE. Missed you lot. I love you guys x
It looks good...but on the other hand...the referee has reported it and we will be in trouble with the Football Association. I trust whoever set it off will happily pay the fine, and those who thought it should happen more often will join in the whip rounds to pay them...

If that sounds 'killjoy' then so be it...I don't make up the bloody rules!
They're still loving us on the Wealdstone forum!
The DH support was fantastic and their 150 odd definitely out sung the Stones fans which surprised me, with their noise and the pink flares certainly adding to the terrific atmosphere!
A great game and a great advert for non-lague footie. Our two goals were superb, and sadly the Hamlet goals were great strikes also. I thought that Wealdstone controled the game throughout the first half and most of the second...even when their first goal went in supporters near me seemed unfazed, obviously forgetting our previous records of being 2-nil up and then conceding. A very good attendence, and yes, the Dulwich fans were very good, singing throught the game.
Wanted to put in a word for the Dulwich fans. Great singing, funny songs, and proper support. Even GB gave them fair respect as he came off, the Dulwich fans still singing and the team applauding. A good bunch.
Agree Dulwich fans easily the best this year. They may look like a mixture of left wing activists, stoats, teachers and geek chicks but they were good as gold. Supported their team, made more noise than us, didn't goad, large it or stand down our end etc. Proper fans. Along with Bognor I hope they get to the play off final.
Fair play to you lot for turning up en masse and making loads of noise. Manage to avoid getting egged from the more environmentalist factions of your support but as a fully fledged smoker was absolutely impressed with your own smoking antics. We've got a series of Top Gear coming up where were gonna test the most gas guzzling cars on the planet, I do hope you lot won't mind me, the Stig and co turning up and filming it around the streets of Dulwich. Might want to test a few nukes if you don't mind. Get the red meat and Jack Daniels out if you get to the play offs and I might even come down and support you. Just no teachers strikes ok.

All the best.
A cracking advert for non-league football yesterday especially off the field. Great bonhomie after the game in the bar. It's not often that we have away supporters at the Vale and you certainly added to the atmosphere.

As for the game, we were in control for all of the first half and though you enjoyed decent possession in the second, I wasn't really too concerned. Your first was a cracking strike but thought our keeper should have done better for your equaliser.

That's was our best league gate since March 1988 and indicative of the progress we have made since moving to the Vale especially with a 1,000 of that gate supporting us. We have shown how you can progress with a home and firm foundations.

Good luck in the play offs.
A cracking advert for non-league football yesterday especially off the field. Great bonhomie after the game in the bar. It's not often that we have away supporters at the Vale and you certainly added to the atmosphere.

As for the game, we were in control for all of the first half and though you enjoyed decent possession in the second, I wasn't really too concerned. Your first was a cracking strike but thought our keeper should have done better for your equaliser.

That's was our best league gate since March 1988 and indicative of the progress we have made since moving to the Vale especially with a 1,000 of that gate supporting us. We have shown how you can progress with a home and firm foundations.

Good luck in the play offs.

I'd have said it was the other way round with our goals. Your keeper was wrong-footed for the first; with the second, it just kept on swerving - I think he probably thought he'd done enough, and in most circumstances that would have been true.

Dead nice day out yesterday, anyway. It was a fair result and the atmosphere was really friendly. Thought your stewards were excellent, too: they dealt with everything proportionately and calmly, and had smiles on their faces most of the time.
Both clubs are a credit to the Isthmian with their home and away support. I really enjoyed yesterday as I'd hoped I would, a bit down after the first half but what a second. The accoustics in the pre-fab stand are brilliant and surely not that expensive as it's all bolted together, hopefully once the ground issue at Dulwich is sorted it's something we can hopefully look at having. I saw it was being filmed, should be great when it comes up on the net.
Both clubs are a credit to the Isthmian with their home and away support. I really enjoyed yesterday as I'd hoped I would, a bit down after the first half but what a second. The accoustics in the pre-fab stand are brilliant and surely not that expensive as it's all bolted together, hopefully once the ground issue at Dulwich is sorted it's something we can hopefully look at having. I saw it was being filmed, should be great when it comes up on the net.

The cost of the Bulla Stand was around 40k. All raised by supporter donations and some sponsorship in a space of around two months. We also saved on installation costs as much of the work was done by supporters.
I liked Wealdstone's ground with its hotchpotch of different stands and picnic-worthy grass banks.
They've added a lot more cover and terracing since i last visited five years ago just after they moved there. I was a bit disappointed "Couch Corner" turned out to be just a bogstandard covered terrace - I was expecting some comfy sofas in there.
And putting partisanship aside, this is a fucking hilariously great photo:

It's good to see Bernie Ecclestone enjoying himself. Surely Hamlet v Stones has got to be more exciting than F1?
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