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XL Bully dog - discussion


I think it's ridiculous that these things haven't been added to the banned list already, and all existing ones rounded up and destroyed.

Another death last week, allegedly caused by one of these:

Of course they've killed children before too: Jack Lis: Two admit dangerous dog charge over boy's death

So if you encounter one of these fuckers and need to it take out, what are your options?


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I have read that If bitten you should ram a pencil up its anus which should cause it to release its grip. Not too sure what you do once it has recovered from the shock but I always know where my HB is, just in case.

My friend had a bad experience with a staffy recently attacking a dog in his care. He jammed a finger up its bum to stop him.

Didn’t work.
At least with a Staffy-sized dog an average person has a reasonable chance of being able to choke it or batter it to death with a rock, provided they're not the victim. With an XL Bully it seems there's basically nothing you can do unless you were already carrying an illegal weapon.
There are plenty of dog breeds that don't have a history of killing people or a characteristics that make them inherently dangerous. :oldthumbsup:

The XL Bully has both, and should be eliminated. Five people mauled to death by them in the UK in two years.
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I can guarantee my dog would never attack anyone but then he’s a ridiculously soppy spaniel. I wouldn’t be so confident if I owned one of the more ‘dangerous’ breeds.

I recall with the pit bulls, there was the idea that because they had been bred for fighting, this meant breeding for aggression.

Obviously things like bite strength are more objective, but iirc it turned out to be suggestibility and trainability that the breeding selection was working on, meaning that pit bulls raised properly were very gentle, loving dogs.

Idiots owning these dogs is a scary thing that needs dealing with, but I don’t like the thought of summarily destroying them either.
I recall with the pit bulls, there was the idea that because they had been bred for fighting, this meant breeding for aggression.

Obviously things like bite strength are more objective, but iirc it turned out to be suggestibility and trainability that the breeding selection was working on, meaning that pit bulls raised properly were very gentle, loving dogs.

Idiots owning these dogs is a scary thing that needs dealing with, but I don’t like the thought of summarily destroying them either.

With pitbulls you have bite strength, tenacity and the hold & thrash byte style, in addition to being bred for attacking things.
I have read that If bitten you should ram a pencil up its anus which should cause it to release its grip. Not too sure what you do once it has recovered from the shock but I always know where my HB is, just in case.

Unfortunately, this isn’t true.

The tip is to stick anything up it’s arse, and that may be your finger or thumb. If you’re lucky, the dog will be shocked and distracted enough to give you some space to pull out of the maw. A pencil probably isn’t going to have any effect at all in such a scenario.

But if a dog has a lock-on jaw it probably won’t give much attention to anything being shoved up it’s bum

I once saw a dog fight between to pitties in Brockwell Park. Both the blokes were frantically sticking their thumbs uo their dogs arses but neither one of the dogs noticed. Took about four other people to prise their jaws open and the dogs apart.

It was dumb, they were both “exercising” their dogs, already covered in scars, by urging them to lock onto lumps of tree branch. One was swinging the dog about, pulling on it and yanking it about and it let go close to the other dog (who was on a lead), who reacted and attacked.


Oh yeah, I forgot and have now remembered that one of the blokes was beating his dog with a club (that he’d clearly brought with him and kept close to hand) and it still wouldn’t let go.
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Some dog breed have characteristics which make them dangerous. I couldn't give a fuck about owners who think their dog won't ever attack anyone.

I had the care of a lovely quiet gentle pitbull for a while. We were great friends. But he had a lockable jaw and when he got a tennis ball in his mouth he’d go into a kind of trance. Just stood there drooling and gripping on the tennis ball. Obedient the rest of the time, in a fugue when his jaw was engaged.
So they're like offensive weapons? It's not legal to carry any kind of weapon for self-defence, so I'm not sure "protection" should be a valid reason to own one of these.

I said nothing about validity, I can’t speak on behalf of the voices.
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