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Time Magazine *begs* for attention

:( since a staff change at our l al laundrette they don't have copies of Time lying around.. Not a bad read while waiting for the tumble drying
First thought is that it's a very oddly posed photo - being of a quite large four year old & a smallish adult adds to that.
The other photo (in your link) looks a bit more natural & representative of what it's like to breastfeed a child that age:


Might not have provoked quite so much debate though, which presumably is the intention.

FWIW I breastfed my daughter till she was the same age as the boy in that photo - thing about extended breastfeeding though, is that it really doesn't tend to happen in public, and when it does it tends to be barely noticeable (for lots of reasons which have very little to with other people's disapproval), so it's very odd to see images of it all.
That lad is old enough to be eating junkfood. He needs to be weaned on to burgers, pizza and fried chicken. Apart from that the image is perfectly tasteful, neither teats nor areola are visible and that should satisfy the most prude of viewer. The woman has a pretty face I notice, which is unusual in photographic models.
Lucky kid,dos anyone buy Time or Newsweek for that matter any more? My old man used to get it in the early '70s,remember stumbling across loads of old copies in the attic years ago,spent an afternoon reading Time's coverage of Watergate ,a fascinating snapshot of the era.
Yeah i've got to say i agree, i find breastfeeding past the age of two a bit weird. im not trying to be judgemental but it's not something i would do,i don't think so anyway. suppose i won't know till i have kids tho.
Aye, but it's not an either/or. Our hungry little monster was onto purees by the time he was 5 months old, but he still got breastfed till he was about 18months.
Yeah i've got to say i agree, i find breastfeeding past the age of two a bit weird. im not trying to be judgemental but it's not something i would do,i don't think so anyway. suppose i won't know till i have kids tho.

See that's the same with me too. I know that this view has been imposed on me by the culture that I grew up in but I can't help it. My mother breastfed me up until I was 4 months (And I was two months premature!) and I will probably go beyond that, but I'm ashamed to say tbat I think that it won't be by much.
Yeah i've got to say i agree, i find breastfeeding past the age of two a bit weird. im not trying to be judgemental but it's not something i would do,i don't think so anyway. suppose i won't know till i have kids tho.
It's fairly normal though, in most parts of the world.
but isn't that why they get teeth? surely if they got teeth at like 3 or 4 it would make sense to stop then but they actually start getting teeth and eating solid foods quite early. I am not having a go at anyone, but it's not something i'd do, fair enough in countries where there's a shortage of food but i'm fairly sure in most societies it's not really done to carry on till 6 or 7
Makes sense even if there's formula and cow milk.
what i mean is theres more choice for a mum here v one in some famine zone. One of the nastiest things i read was them stopping milk tokens 4 asylum seekers having said that. I dont know if thats still the case.
They eat solids too, "extended" breast feeding does not mean exclusive breast feeding.

Oh, and milk teeth.
Different babies do different things ime. It annoys me a bit that formula is treated as something shameful when it actually keeps babies alive who wouldn't have made it otherwise.
That said I'm still quite staggered at the hospital's attitude wrt breast feeding the premature babies, really not supportive and telling me to stop almost every time I tried.
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