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Squatting becomes illegal in England and Wales with LASPO legislation

L&Q say that they found about the squatter when they took a prospective tenant to show him the flat and started proceedings then, the police acted of their own accord on this one.
Anyone squatting in residential properties should arrange something with friends who rent so they can have an address to give to the police in case of arrest to avoid becoming criminalised, this is starting to look pretty bad :/
it's not exact, but generally if you as a social housing landlord think a property is vulnerable, you board it up - and view it that way as well - prospective tenants don't mind viewing a property with the steel doors and windows on it (ime and I do a lot of viewings) although I have known of squatters who have got through the steel doors :D
it's not exact, but generally if you as a social housing landlord think a property is vulnerable, you board it up - and view it that way as well - prospective tenants don't mind viewing a property with the steel doors and windows on it (ime and I do a lot of viewings) although I have known of squatters who have got through the steel doors :D
Wood boards and then Sitex steel is how I use to spot my future residences :)
It looks like these companies have upgraded their game because I know not of a single instance of these metal doors ever stopping someone entering and squatting a property in the past (admittedly I've been out of that game for a while)
The best way to keep squatters out of a building is to ensure that the building is in use. If you can't be arsed to put a building to use then you have no right to kick off when someone else uses it. You have every right to go fuck yourself, but that's about all you have the right to do.

'I don't want it but you can't have it either' is an attitude suitable only for primary school children.

Six months after new laws were introduced to “protect homeowners” from squatters, police have not arrested a single person for displacing residents from their home, leading to calls for the legislation to be scrapped.

Three people have been jailed since the new law criminalising squatting came into effect in September, and 33 have been arrested – but all involved squatters occupying previously empty properties.
Three people have been jailed since the new law criminalising squatting came into effect in September, and 33 have been arrested – but all involved squatters occupying previously empty properties.

Because that's what squatting is. If you're just breaking into someone else's home that's not squatting, it's burglary for which there are plenty of laws already.

I'll stop now before I go off on another rant.
On 4th March, SQUASH launched a new campaign and report at a meeting in the House of Commons of concerned MPs, Lords, lawyers, homelessness groups, academics, campaigners and squatters.

The campaign is calling for a repeal of Section 144 of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill (LASPO), the new criminal offence of squatting in a residential building. A petition has been set up here.


We are pleased to tell you that the pressure is building. This week 40 lawyers signed a letter which was published in The Guardian calling for a repeal of the law as SQUASH research has found that:​
  • None of the arrests so far have involved squatters displacing people from their lived-in homes​
  • All arrests have involved people squatting in empty properties of which there are now over 1 million in the UK​
  • All those who have been handed custodial sentences so far were all previously homeless​
  • The offence was not necessary to protect home occupiers, it is not being used for that purpose.​
Furthermore an Early Day Motion has been tabled in Parliament by John McDonnell MP also calling for a repeal. This is where we are asking you for a favour. We would really appreciate it if you could write a letter to your MP or use our template below urging them to sign it. If you don’t know who your MP is you can use TheyWorkForYou website to find out.

Template letter:

Dear “Your MP Here”,

As your constituent I am writing urging you to sign an Early Day Motion recently tabled that recognises the damage being caused by the new squatting law (Section 144, LASPO) which was brought in on September 1st 2012.

The link to the Early Day Motion is here: http://www.parliament.uk/edm/2012-13/1238 which has support from 40 top lawyers who all signed a letter published in The Guardian which can be read here: http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2013/mar/25/squatting-law-should-be-repealed

Recent research carried out has shown that as feared, homeless and vulnerable people are being disproportionately affected. Some have gone to jail and even worse it looks likesomeone may have died outside an empty bungalow as a direct result of the new legislation.

On top of this – zero people have been caught in someone else’s home – as was predicted by hundreds of legal experts prior to criminalisation including The Law Society. This directly contravenes the whole reason the law was pursued in the first place.

The law has removed a necessary last resort for many – considering the current housing crisis and huge rise in homelessness. Furthermore, it is encouraging property speculators and foreign investors to keep properties empty – of which there are now over 1 million in the UK.

With a new wave of welfare reforms to come in on April 1st the option of housing yourself in an empty property must remain a possibility for the most vulnerable in our society.

For a full analysis please read the latest SQUASH campaign report here:http://www.squashcampaign.org/repeal-law/the-case-against-section-144-2/

Yours Sincerely,​

All the best,

Squatters Action for Secure Homes
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