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"Ride of the living dead" around Brixton & Stockwell - Weds 31 October

Brixton Hatter

Home is south London mate
I like the look of this - a night time zombie cycle ride around Brixton on Halloween, organised by the Cycooldelic bike shop on Brixton Road, with stops for drinks at Cafe Cairo and ending up at the Grosvenor with a few bands. It's free as well. Sounds like a kind of fancy dress Critical Mass!


Anyone up for it?

All you need is a bike and a tube of fake blood ;)

Crispy - glow in the dark masks?!
Yeah one of the guys was in the Grosvenor at the weekend giving out flyers for this. Their business is sort of connected to the council's recycling strategy and they 'recycle' and do up old bikes.
Yup. I think they used to do bike maintenance classes and they do up new bikes and operate an exchange type thing. They tend to operate more by word of mouth and little rides like this more than via social media and Internet, I think they could publicise themselves more as I really want them to do well.
Also, the shop they took over was vacant for ages and I was just happy to see something nice going on down that stretch of the road.
Plus I quite fancy one of them :D
Come and shake your booty to The Fucktones* afterwards... Probably the best band in Brixton*, should be a great night...

* Not just saying this because I'm the guitarist...
Yup. I think they used to do bike maintenance classes and they do up new bikes and operate an exchange type thing. They tend to operate more by word of mouth and little rides like this more than via social media and Internet, I think they could publicise themselves more as I really want them to do well.
Also, the shop they took over was vacant for ages and I was just happy to see something nice going on down that stretch of the road.
Plus I quite fancy one of them :D
The one that wanders round with the iguana on his shoulder?!?
The Cycooldelic guys were taking loads of pics. I imagine we'll see them soon enough
I came across the ride and joined in on my way home from work. It was quite fun! loved the sound system blasting out QOTSA :)
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