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Films you haven't seen

I think that because it is. The message is cosy conservative reassurance.
May I gratuitously use this post to plug a far superior James Stewart vehicle with a surprisingly subversive message, Harvey? Great film.

Years ago, my mother used to say to me, she'd say "In this world, Elwood, you can be oh so so smart, or oh so pleasant." Well, for years I was smart... I recommend pleasant. You may quote me.
I've never seen Educating Rita either, it looks like a made for caine vehicle and I just didn't fancy it

It seemed good at the time but I wouldn't watch it again, daft sentimental working class are stupid thing going on, filmed in Trinity, Dublin.
The fact you've not seen these films saddens me, greatly.

I've seen bits and bobs of kill bill and I really don't think I'm missing out. Pretty sure I'd hate it.

Pulp Fiction and Trainspotting are on my need to watch list. ET has never appealed to me, I've seen enough pop culture references to get the story anyway.
I've seen bits and bobs of kill bill and I really don't think I'm missing out. Pretty sure I'd hate it.

Pulp Fiction and Trainspotting are on my need to watch list. ET has never appealed to me, I've seen enough pop culture references to get the story anyway.

Forget ET but Pulp Fiction and Trainspotting should be on the national curriculum.
I've seen bits and bobs of kill bill and I really don't think I'm missing out. Pretty sure I'd hate it.

Pulp Fiction and Trainspotting are on my need to watch list. ET has never appealed to me, I've seen enough pop culture references to get the story anyway.
Funnily enough, the interesting bits in ET are motif references from Dr Zhivago. In ET its keys. In Dr Zhivago, Lean focusses on wheels. Lean's thread was change, with the wheels symbolising that. I'm not sure what the keys symbolise in ET, I think Speilberg just thought it was cool to have a motif.
Forget ET but Pulp Fiction and Trainspotting should be on the national curriculum.

I would withdraw any child of mine from the class that had to watch Trainspotting. Never seen it, never want to see it. Knew it in real life, why the fuck would I want to see it on a big screen?

Films to me should be entertainment :)
I would withdraw any child of mine from the class that had to watch Trainspotting. Never seen it, never want to see it. Knew it in real life, why the fuck would I want to see it on a big screen?

Films to me should be entertainment :)

If you've never seen it, how would you know? It's hilarious and shocking and if you knew it in real life;) like the book it would probably be an education. I remember Paxman arguing the same point on Newsnight at the time. And the film is fucking Disney compared to the book.
If you've never seen it, how would you know? It's hilarious and shocking alright and a decent enough watch and if you knew it in real life;) like the book it would probably be an education. I remember Paxman arguing the same point on Newsnight at the time. And the film is fucking Disney compared to the book.


The book is quite powerful though.
I would withdraw any child of mine from the class that had to watch Trainspotting. Never seen it, never want to see it. Knew it in real life, why the fuck would I want to see it on a big screen?

Films to me should be entertainment :)
sorry, but what horseshit.
If you've never seen it, how would you know? It's hilarious and shocking and if you knew it in real life;) like the book it would probably be an education. I remember Paxman arguing the same point on Newsnight at the time. And the film is fucking Disney compared to the book.

Yeah, the film's not that grim, really, nothing like what I expect a real smack addict's life would be like. It's a bit of pop culture.
Raging Bull
Sound of Music
Any Die Hards
Laurence of Arabia
The Lion King
Any of the clint spaghetti westerns :eek:
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