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Films with trains


Watched Snowpiercer and Train to Busan in the last week - both very good.

Made me think, lots of films have trains featured in them as integral.

Von Ryan's Express
Murder on the Orient Express

What else?
ETA. Wrong title, dammit. This is it

  • The First Great Train Robbery
  • The Narrow Margin
  • Narrow Margin
  • Death Train (TVM with Pierce Brosnan)
  • Octopussy
  • Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade
Well, there's obviously 'Brief Encounter' but that's more about a train station


and there's a 1940s British b/w film which tells the small, dramatic stories of 4 or 5 people in London before they get on a train that eventually crashes.

It's been shown a few times on London Live (so it's not a well-known film) and it's really quite good. But I can't remember what it's called.
That film with Burt Lancaster when the Nazis are loading French art on a train and he's in the French resistance and he's got the delay the train with the art on before the Allies take Paris and most of the film is his various attempts to stop the train moving.

I think it's called 'The Art Theft Prevention Adventure'.
That film with Burt Lancaster when the Nazis are loading French art on a train and he's in the French resistance and he's got the delay the train with the art on before the Allies take Paris and most of the film is his various attempts to stop the train moving.

I think it's called 'The Art Theft Prevention Adventure'.
The Train.
Well, there's obviously 'Brief Encounter' but that's more about a train station


and there's a 1940s British b/w film which tells the small, dramatic stories of 4 or 5 people in London before they get on a train that eventually crashes.

It's been shown a few times on London Live (so it's not a well-known film) and it's really quite good. But I can't remember what it's called.
Train of Events?

Basil Dearden, with Valerie Hobson in it
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