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Fatal shooting on Rushcroft Road (27th April 2007)


Just walked past the corner of Rushcroft Road and Coldharbour Lane and there's 'nuff police in the area.

Word is that it's another shooting :(
Oh no :( It's so depressing to hear this all the time at the moment. Lets hope it is just a phase.
Yep, deffo a shooting.

Local Rushcroft residents have been put on a 'curfew' till 3am while the police do their stuff.

No idea if it was a fatal shooting or not yet. Let's hope not.

The poor ol'Juice Bar isn't going to get much trade tonight: the police tape is all around them!
Yes, it was in one of the old blocks on the south side of Rushcroft Road - the end block next to the newer Metropolitan flats. Three shots were heard and a couple of guys were seen running off. Someone then came out into the street saying "There's been an arguement in my flat and they've shot him. He's wounded". Police and ambulance turned up within 5mins but the ambulance hasn't left. As they haven't whisked the victim away in a hurry one can only presume he's a gonner.
See for a bumpkin like me, who just on a whim travelled to Brixton on her own to PROD last month, i didnt once feel unsafe.....shit thats fucked up as i thought it was such a vibrant place and not somewhere to fear......maybe im a bit naieve eh.....
editor said:
Yep, deffo a shooting.

Local Rushcroft residents have been put on a 'curfew' till 3am while the police do their stuff.

No idea if it was a fatal shooting or not yet. Let's hope not.

The poor ol'Juice Bar isn't going to get much trade tonight: the police tape is all around them!

Police get thirsty though don't they

I really think you should start labelling your shootings "another shooting no. ??" as posts with just "another shooting" are easily mistaken for another shooting IFSWIM
haylz said:
See for a bumpkin like me, who just on a whim travelled to Brixton on her own to PROD last month, i didnt once feel unsafe.....shit thats fucked up as i thought it was such a vibrant place and not somewhere to fear......maybe im a bit naieve eh.....
I feel way safer in Brixton than just about every other town centre I've been in.

These dreadful shootings are invariably almost always the result of arguments within a particular 'scene' rather than random attacks on passers by.
editor said:
I feel way safer in Brixton than just about every other town centre I've been in.
I think thats an exageration - even in most other parts of south london you would feel safer - although point taken that there are plenty pissed up fuckers in "rural" and not so rural towns looking for fights on weekends.
editor said:
These dreadful shootings are invariably almost always the result of arguments within a particular 'scene' rather than random attacks on passers by.
Thats true, but there is plenty of stuff that can happen to you in Brixton beyond getting shot - and not all bullets hit their target.
niksativa said:
I think thats an exageration - even in most other parts of south london you would feel safer - although point taken that there are plenty pissed up fuckers in "rural" and not so rural towns looking for fights on weekends.
No, it's not. Really.

I feel safer in Brixton at night that I do in most town centres.

If you're going to bring London up, then - once again - I have to say that I've felt less likely to get attacked by random pissed up tossers in Brixton than in most places I've lived around the capital: e.g. Plaistow, East Ham, Walthamstow, Kilburn, Stratford, Shepherds Bush, Leyton, Leytonstone, Hackney etc., but I can only speak from my own experience.

*hopes that it doesn't all go horribly wrong now after saying that
niksativa said:
Thats true, but there is plenty of stuff that can happen to you in Brixton beyond getting shot - and not all bullets hit their target.
That's a bit dramatic. How many times have innocent passers by been hit by bullets in the streets of Brixton recently?
Just got back from work - its 2:29am. I live on the other end of Rushcroft. Police still there, tape up everywhere. Saw a scene of crime/forensics officer in her white overalls going down the road. All deeply depressing.
That end of the street has been a hotspot of activity for weeks now.
I have to agree with Editor on this one though, lived in Brixton for over three years and never felt particularly threatened, even late at night.
lived in brixton for full on quater of a century and still not been shot yet

not even close

nor have i been knifed

y'know i haven't even been mugged... well some kids did threaten me for money a while back i just told them to fuck off

the most that has happened was hassle from other kids as a kid.

on the whole brixton is fairly fucking relaxed...
Shippou-Chan said:
lived in brixton for full on quater of a century and still not been shot yet

not even close

nor have i been knifed

y'know i haven't even been mugged... well some kids did threaten me for money a while back i just told them to fuck off

the most that has happened was hassle from other kids as a kid.

on the whole brixton is fairly fucking relaxed...

Fucking right! :D
Shippou-Chan said:
lived in brixton for full on quater of a century and still not been shot yet

not even close

nor have i been knifed

y'know i haven't even been mugged... well some kids did threaten me for money a while back i just told them to fuck off

the most that has happened was hassle from other kids as a kid.

on the whole brixton is fairly fucking relaxed...


As someone who was born and brought up round here, that is the biggest load of bollocks I have ever heard.

In Brixton I have been mugged four times at knifepoint (and I am not exactly the weediest looking person), stabbed as a teenager (walking past something that I wasn't involved in), beaten up twice randomly coming home from a club (and even though I am gay, I don't look it - so it wasn't that) and a mate of mine was put in hospital by some freaked out crack head.

I lived next to a crack house, where I was too scared to leave my house as they were on the stairwell pissing and shitting and being violent.

A friend of mine in another block was murdered by a junkie who was ransacking his house.

In another block I lived in I had to run the gaunlet of condoms and needles on the stairs.

Since I left Brixton I have had no trouble and I love living out here in Zone 6. I can see countryside from my window.
PacificOcean said:

As someone who was born and brought up round here, that is the biggest load of bollocks I have ever heard.

In Brixton I have been mugged four times at knifepoint (and I am not exactly the weediest looking person), stabbed as a teenager (walking past something that I wasn't involved in), beaten up twice randomly coming home from a club (and even though I am gay, I don't look it - so it wasn't that) and a mate of mine was put in hospital by some freaked out crack head.

I lived next to a crack house, where I was too scared to leave my house as they were on the stairwell pissing and shitting and being violent.

A friend of mine in another block was murdered by a junkie who was ransacking his house.

In another block I lived in I had to run the gaunlet of condoms and needles on the stairs.

Since I left Brixton I have had no trouble and I love living out here in Zone 6. I can see countryside from my window.

Maybe you were just unlucky:D
sounds like you have had a shit time of it..

but i stand by my statement.... everything i said was true for me

the only problem with junkies i have encountered is random people knocking on the door for "£5 for the electricity key" and next door finding some used needles in the front garden
subz and i wandered into the midst of the clean up operation on the way home from my gig last night. sad. i hope the poor bastard deserved it.
no one deserves it
I got taken in by the £5 for the key thing the first time :oops:
jeffreydisaster said:
i guess this is seperate from the other shooting - the kk food store
one? was there 2 shooting incidents last night?
i was 200m when when things kicked off and the
ambulances and police moved im?

The other one wasn't in Brixton
PacificOcean said:

As someone who was born and brought up round here, that is the biggest load of bollocks I have ever heard.

In Brixton I have been mugged four times at knifepoint (and I am not exactly the weediest looking person), stabbed as a teenager (walking past something that I wasn't involved in), beaten up twice randomly coming home from a club (and even though I am gay, I don't look it - so it wasn't that) and a mate of mine was put in hospital by some freaked out crack head.

I lived next to a crack house, where I was too scared to leave my house as they were on the stairwell pissing and shitting and being violent.

A friend of mine in another block was murdered by a junkie who was ransacking his house.

In another block I lived in I had to run the gaunlet of condoms and needles on the stairs.

Since I left Brixton I have had no trouble and I love living out here in Zone 6. I can see countryside from my window.

Just to clarify.

I have no problem with "junkies" or "crack heads". If that is their choice then so be it.

However, when they cross the line and make my life a misery then it's a problem.

I have known many "junkies" in my time in Brixton, and indeed, I can count two of them as friends.
Living down Rushcroft Rd I was on the scene quite quickly after hearing the gunshots - looks like an attempted robbery on a group of lads living in one of the squatted flats in Clarence House and then the raiders opened fire killing one of the lads in the flat. Shocking. :mad:

I can say that, in 10 years living on Rushcroft, this is the first shooting I can remember. We've had problems in recent years with crack heads, but nothing like this. And I hope it's another 10 years before we see anything like it again. :(
The problem was definitely related to one of the squatted flats: some bloke in the pub was saying that his mate was walking by and saw some of it happen and was very distressed about it.

Let's hope they get the scumbag responsible.
shit. glad i was out last night. though that would've been around the time i came home.
does anyone know what flat it was? that is, what house it was? the name of the house i mean.... was it the library/cinema end of the street or the other end... or the middle?
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