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Donald Trump's 2nd term

krtek a houby

Anger is Hi-NRG
As it now seems to be a certainty (if you believe certain polls), what's on the cards for the next time round?

Immigration, another travel ban and war with Mexico?

hmm don't think the world is where it was in 2016 or the republican party

not all republicans are card carrying racists or spud loons

him forgetting this about the people who only voted for him on party line as he was the republican pick should cost him at the ballot

that and hopefully RFK jr absorbing that voting group
hmm don't think the world is where it was in 2016 or the republican party

not all republicans are card carrying racists or spud loons

him forgetting this about the people who only voted for him on party line as he was the republican pick should cost him at the ballot

that and hopefully RFK jr absorbing that voting group
Hopefully you're right, and the RFK loons will save the US.
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anyone with half a brain the states

who going to vote for a fella who more or less stated his second term would be a dictatorship without end

is quite lost atm

anyways you have given Dywer a new thread to shite all over
It's terrifying

Some of his pronouncements border on the fantastical. His government will invest in flying cars and build "freedom cities" on empty federal land, where Americans can live and work without burdensome regulations.
Others are controversial, such as his plan to round up the homeless and move them to tent camps outside US cities until their "problems can be identified". Some lean directly into the culture wars - he wants state school teachers to be required to "embrace patriotic values".

He will "find and remove the radicals, zealots, and Marxists who have infiltrated the federal Department of Education," he says in a January video.

More here

He's an evil cunt that will use the same spiel as last time. Good guy- saving you from the bad guys- Simplistic shit that works on the converted. If there is a god this absolute wankpuffin will have the nastiest heart attack that's possible and disappear. I think the thing that is keeping him in the race are the ongoing court cases as it all feeds into his narratives of being the persecuted ’man of the people’ and his supporters are buying it.
It's terrifying

Some of his pronouncements border on the fantastical. His government will invest in flying cars and build "freedom cities" on empty federal land, where Americans can live and work without burdensome regulations.
Others are controversial, such as his plan to round up the homeless and move them to tent camps outside US cities until their "problems can be identified". Some lean directly into the culture wars - he wants state school teachers to be required to "embrace patriotic values".

He will "find and remove the radicals, zealots, and Marxists who have infiltrated the federal Department of Education," he says in a January video.

More here

Nothing new really is it!!

You beat me to it with the bbc link. Will edit my post.
It's going to be dark days ahead. Wouldn't put it past him to be in a punishing and vengeful mood.

Used to follow on Twitter some accounts that claimed, daily, that he's going to jail. This appears to be less likely, and even in the realms of the fantastical. Can't see the fanbase ever accepting such a thing.

But he's not going to forget all the lawsuits and thwarted ambitions.
It's going to be dark days ahead. Wouldn't put it past him to be in a punishing and vengeful mood.

I fear he will become much more of a dictator. I think he held back on some of his desires because he wanted a second term.

He may actually go as far as get rid of the elections and remain in power much like his idols from Russia and North Korea.

I'm sure my fears are predictions are baseless but ya never know.
I understand little of US politics, so I'm not going to pontificate on likelyhoods of him getting elected - bar it that it looks like a serious possibility.

I think he'll take the US out of NATO. He may or may not be able to revoke US membership of the North Atlantic treaty, but as the CinC of US forces, it's his decision whether US forces are based in Europe, and it's his decision whether the US actually gets involved.

On the domestic front, he's not far off a badly dressed Austrian corporal - vengeful, thin-skinned, and properly unhinged. After 4 years of him, the US will look far more like the Russia of today than the US of today.
Hopefully enough americans stop smoking meth to stop him.
The gop have gone crazy and the few that aren’t,liz Cheney may have been evil but wasn’t batshit but that didn’t save her. Will be set upon because they won’t drink the cool aid.
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build "freedom cities" on empty federal land, where Americans can live and work without burdensome regulations.
this is one of Sunak's policies tbf, and currently backed by Labour.

because he is a Putin lap dog

and giving over half a country to Russia with the promise it won't annex the other half is not really resolving the situation
Better than stalemate with constant chance of nuclear escalation.

Also, I reckon Trump would take the US out of NATO, thus putting an end to it and achieving a long-held goal of the Left.
check on Mr Chamberlain over here

give the despot his breathing room and then remove one of the main reason for him not to go after latvia nex
That's why Trump's ahead in the polls though---people are sick of the Ukraine.

Problem is, Trump's record on Israel suggests he'd be ultra-hawkish on Gaza. But Netanyahu double-crossed him by denouncing his claims of election fraud, so he may have reconsidered....
Everything they've already done and worse. Voting rights, gone. From of assembly will be diluted, much as we're seeing here. Courts will become Trump -appointed rubber stamp factories, and they're going that way already.

His branch of Christian Nationalism (as seen by Speaker Johnson) means destroying the fabric of the United States, from top to bottom. January 6 was a dress rehearsal. The Handmaid's Tale will look tame.
Also, I reckon Trump would take the US out of NATO, thus putting an end to it and achieving a long-held goal of the Left.
Global demilitarisation is a goal for sure, and it can be done, but it is a process that happens as part of a wider mutual socialist, internationalist project. Shock actions by Trump are never going to be part of "long-held goals of the left"
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