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Brixton, 1947, queueing for horsemeat

Apparently you could still get it years later

Budgie Byrne
17-01-2013, 02:52 PM
Used to be able to buy Horse Meat in Brixton Market in the 50's and 60's. I remember my grandmother buying chunks of it and cooking it up for her dog. Was a staple in some areas during the war. Have had Horse meat steaks in France, rather nice.
Planning application

No 1 Kingswood Cottages, behind No 15 Rosetta Street, Vauxhall LBL/DTP/APP/6/13 1948-1949

These documents are held at Lambeth Archives Department

Former reference: (Previously LBL/DTP/PP/24)

Planning application for portable hut for stall for sale of horse flesh.
Correspondence, maps
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