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Anthony Frey Memorial Event - Saturday Oct 4th - Newington Green

Raw SslaC

Well-Known Member
Anthony Frey was a much loved comrade involved in the anarchist movement in London, who was sadly killed in an accident in August. A memorial has been organised by his friends and comrades to celebrate his life and passion.

On Saturday the 4th of October a hall has been booked for the day for a get
together in memory of Antony. The details are as follows:

From 3pm until 12midnight.

The Milton Gardens community hall, Howard road, London, N.16.

This is at the bottom of Albion road near Newington Green roundabout. Stoke
Newington. N.16
Thanks for posting this. I knew Anthony both socially and professionally.

I was both shocked and saddened to hear about his death.

I will definately be attending to pay my respects as well as passing this information on to other folk who'd like to go.

I will remember him as an interesting, intelligent, active and passionate person.

RIP Anthony. :(
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