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identify this baby bird please


and can someone giver me any idea what do do with it.

found in a car park behind my flats, on it's back and barely able to move. much more alert after being held for an hour, it's shown an interest in a spoonful of water held in front of it, but what else to do, i'm clueless. i'm also not certain what it is.

before anyone says i should have left it, mother would be back, it was on it's back and i thought it was dead until i saw it breathe. it's not got fully developed flight feathers. it was not one that had flown from the nest.

and does anyone know what it is?

probably the runt, kicked out of the nest to ensure the survival of the rest of the brood.

We did this once, when my old doggy Waifer picked up a baby birdy and loved it until we helped. We fed it water via a pipette, kept it in a little box with lots of nice softy things in. When it got a bit bigger, we chooped up a worm or 2 and fed it by danging it over its mouth. When it got bigger still, we put it back in the nest. Not an option for you if you don't know where the nest is.

My sister does volenteering at a bird/wild life sanctuary, but she also works silly hours. I can ask her, but she might not get back to me for a while. :)

oh yeah, you wanted an ID, no idea. Could be a sparrow, or any small bird. They look alike until they get their full feathers.
the best thing to do is just leave them alone.

source: mate is a twitcher/wildlife expert
my sister said that you may need to get it to a rehab center, I presumed you're in London, so she's going to text me some places you can take it. (later when she talks to a person at her place) It needs to be kept warm, and does only eat certain insects/grubs. So just keep it on the water for now.
nope, i'm in cornwall.

threee;s an animal rescue in hayle that does wildlife.

but in the meantime, i've got mealworms for them.
Aah, she said just take it to a vets/ring the vets, they'll let you know the nearest place. You sound like you've got it covered though, so I'll leave you and little birdy to it :)

edit- she just texted me the best place to take it, no idea if it's close enough to consider.
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