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Boris Sprinkler

Dont be scared
Am off there in a few weeks, doing a week for work. Any urbanites been there and can recommend fun stuff to do in the evening (am going to be on my own :( )

I like good food and art/music - (punk/alt). History and general sightseeing.

If there's any Urbs there maybe fancy meeting for Tapas and Wine.
Yeah - my recommendation would be to find a decent restaurant/tapas bar and stuff yourself..

We managed to find a trashy disco the other side of the river.. but not particularly worth the effort.
I fucking hate the place.


Although, I have to go back soon for business reasons. May even go this weekend.

There is a bar/club I went into after bumping into a group of English translators working there. That would have been much better if I hadn't been in such a foul mood after being robbed. The owners tried it on with me. So I left. I didn't like Seville. Seville didn't like me.

Sorry. Not much use. Try asking Chooch.
Stanley Edwards said:
I fucking hate the place.


Although, I have to go back soon for business reasons. May even go this weekend.

There is a bar/club I went into after bumping into a group of English translators working there. That would have been much better if I hadn't been in such a foul mood after being robbed. The owners tried it on with me. So I left. I didn't like Seville. Seville didn't like me.

Sorry. Not much use. Try asking Chooch.

Word. I got robbed last night. Went to the bog and my bag had gone. Stupid stupid stupid. Then got chucked out the bar when I started asking where it had gone. Fuckers. Booked a flight tomorrow out of here. Not coming back.
What happened to fucking honesty?
INsurance claim for wallet, sunglasses, ipod and a small amount of money.
Fucking dicks man.
aye for the most part its good but there are definitely some wrong uns about. Ruined my trip to the extent where i can't be fucked ever coming back to this place.
Boris Sprinkler said:
aye for the most part its good but there are definitely some wrong uns about. Ruined my trip to the extent where i can't be fucked ever coming back to this place.

Exactly the way I felt. Even my first impressions were that it was a very false and ostentatious place in many ways. I have to go back at some time soon and I'm making all sorts of excuses for not bothering.

Granada is a far nicer city. Not all about money. Although, there are a few wronguns here of course and leaving bags unattended is as good as saying 'take it for free please'.
I remember it a bit more clearly now. Was in small tapas bodega, drinking red wine and eating tapas. was a bit pissed. Went to toilet, came back and my bag was gone. Well there was very few people in there and all seemed friendly enogugh. So asked where my bag was. Some fucker was being all smirky and i knew it was him. So got in his face and asked him to give it back. Fucking bar man threw me out. Decided it was a lost cause and fucked off back to my hotel.
was quite pissed and had to get reception to pay my taxi. I feel really dumb, made a tit out of myself. Am hungover to fuck and missed my conference.

Lessons learned. Don't drink when you are depressed about something. Don't get pissed on business trips when you are on your own and don't speak the language.
I have just returned from a weekend there and absolutely loved everything about it - the architecture, the tiling, the flamenco, the tapas, the people, the booze.
The Alcazar has one of the most stunning interiors I've ever seen.
I would hate to live there in the summer though.
Why not?
Did you go to the Real Alcazar?
The Santa Cruz area is ace for just wandering about and gawping at balconies and oranges falling off trees into goldfish bowl sized glasses full of spirits.
When I went there I spent 3 hours looking for a night club because various locals kept giving me wrong directions. Pricks.
They were all really nice to us, esp the owner of this high camp RC tat bar serving bright red Sangre De Cristo cocktails made up of grenadine, champagne and whiskey!
Sevilla was the first Spanish city I went to and I immediately fell for it. I was staying with my friends, which probably helped, and after a couple of weeks I felt almost native.
I loved pretty much everything about the city, especially the way many local people break into performance as soon as they hear flamenco music.
That said, I like Granada even more, and if given a choice I'd return to Granada.
It's great.

Orang Utan you should´ve posted you were going (although tbf not been on urban recently)
Riklet lives there. He'll probably have some ideas. I'm in Jerez nowadays which is not too far away. Seville's OK as long as you don't need to deal with the authorities there.
Anyone got any updates on things to do and see in Seville. We'll be there at the end of August and apart from a day trip to meet dessiato have little planned for 5 days.

Not too worried about the above reports of robberies. That can happen anywhere. In fact if you get pissed alone and leave your gear unattended it doesn't even count as a robbery in my book.

It's a giveaway!
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You'll have a great time - it's a rewarding city, and a decent base for exploring bits of Andlucia. The old town is nice to wander around during the night time - often quite deserted and atmospheric. The cathedral is amazing, and the often brutal moor/christian conflict is written into the architecture in very dramatic ways.
Cadiz is a nice (overnight stay) trip out of Seville.
I'm thinking of going either here or Cordoba in September for 1 or 2 nights. Any views?
I think most people are going to advise you to go to Cordoba. I haven't been but I've heard it's amazing. If you were going for longer I'd say stay in Seville and do the trip out to Cordoba.
I'm going to Granada at the weekend for an urban meet. I have days off either side so it's about where I can fly to (Malaga probably) and get to for a decent time either side. Malaga has enough for a day at the beginning or end too, probably. I've been to Granada before but without the Stanley tour.
I'm thinking of going either here or Cordoba in September for 1 or 2 nights. Any views?

I definitely prefered Sevilla to Cordoba. Mainly because I bumped into some locals in one of the bars who gave me a free line of cocaine. But also the layout of the town was more attractive. I do remember there being lots of junkies lying around in the parks, but they didn't give me any bother.
Spain's been having a tougher time of it since 2007 too. The faint possibility of a free line of coke isn't really a major selling point for me.
Made me laugh too! :D

It's worth noting that Seville does seem to have a lot of disenfranchised people. I got some serious unprovoked hastle off a couple of people, both of whom were homeless, one of whom clearly had some severe mental health issues. There was a fair amount of persistant begging going on too.

But none of this was more difficult to navigate than standing firm / ignoring / walking away from, as necessary. I came to no harm, and it didn't put me off a lovely city. Just worth knowing that you have to bring your street smarts with you I suppose.
Any restaurant or bar recommendations?
El Garlochi - order a bright red Santa Sangre and gawp at the Catholic tat:1374039_10151639172657131_1598525693_n.jpg

I ate at loads of amazing places but i did not record the names of the places. :oops:
There was one that served veal steak with foie gras on top that made me think of you, Spy.
Went to a few tapas bars - careful you don't over order - it really is possible - there's a lot of pig.
I'll do a bit of googling to see if anything jogs my memory
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