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How long for the poor ol' Vulcan...


kicking against the pricks...
there it is the poor pub, evil yellow machines the one side and a dodgy fence the other with cleared land all around :(

how long is it gonna last?




reckon we could sort out a farewell meet in time?
I have no idea, but thought I'd be the first to comment. :)

You can almost see the poor thing shaking and cowering with all those yellow monsters around it.
Really sad when old pubs close.

There aren't that many genuine old pubs left now I guess. Nothing beats a nice rural pub in South Wales with stone walls (and preferably thatched roof) for a pint.
used to be a bikers pub. the police pub was next to the magistrates court, was demolished and rebuilt as 'rumpoles'.
nwnm said:
used to be a bikers pub. the police pub was next to the magistrates court, was demolished and rebuilt as 'rumpoles'.

I used to work in rumpoles:oops: , good perk was getting invited to the annual firemans ball.....the place was a den of eniquity:eek:
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