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Following on from the bumper Autumn 2019 Brixton thread, here's the one for winter 2019-2020, and I've got the ball rolling with some suitably wintry scenes:



Are there any Morris Dancing connoisseurs out there who can answer this:

in the display yesterday there were a couple of dancers dressed with what appeared to be plague doctor's beaks. Is this the Morris Dancing equivalent of going to a disco in a gas mask?
Morris dancers 5.jpg Morris dancers 4.jpg
Are there any Morris Dancing connoisseurs out there who can answer this:

in the display yesterday there were a couple of dancers dressed with what appeared to be plague doctor's beaks. Is this the Morris Dancing equivalent of going to a disco in a gas mask?
View attachment 194338 View attachment 194340
I'm no expert, but I have noticed a few sides wearing masks of varying descriptions in recent years. I guess to address the "blacking up" problem.
Are there any Morris Dancing connoisseurs out there who can answer this:

in the display yesterday there were a couple of dancers dressed with what appeared to be plague doctor's beaks. Is this the Morris Dancing equivalent of going to a disco in a gas mask?
View attachment 194338 View attachment 194340

It looks like the mask doctors used to wear during the Plague because they believed it was spread through the air and used to put herbs in the beak to ward it off.
Are there any Morris Dancing connoisseurs out there who can answer this:

in the display yesterday there were a couple of dancers dressed with what appeared to be plague doctor's beaks. Is this the Morris Dancing equivalent of going to a disco in a gas mask?
View attachment 194338 View attachment 194340
Similar to this, no?


Doctors tending patients with the plague adopted a gas-mask style facial covering with a curved beak over the nose and mouth containing sweet-smelling substances to ward off the disease. Small bouquets of herbs and flowers called posies, nosegays, or tussie-mussies became popular accessories carried to overcome the stench of death.
Our Pungent History: Sweat, Perfume, and the Scent of Death | Collectors Weekly
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I'm no expert, but I have noticed a few sides wearing masks of varying descriptions in recent years. I guess to address the "blacking up" problem.
It’s nothing to do with blacking up,I’m pretty sure they’re doing the ragged crow dance. Most villages in rural parts of England had their own varriations on Morris dancing. Competition at village fairs was fierce as the cash prizes were quite lucrative. When workers were faced with destitution through unemployment as mines or quarries closed, men would form dance troupes to compete for the cash prizes. So as not to risk losing their meagre early-20th century welfare payments, they would often adopt costumes with masks to avoid being identified and thus losing their benefits, I only know this because I watched a documentary on one such group who were formed when a local salt mine closed. That particular group of crow dancers formed from redundant salt miners were so successful Thayer used to clean up In The local competitions, so eventually the organisers would pay them an appearance fee to give other dancers a chance.
Are there any Morris Dancing connoisseurs out there who can answer this:

in the display yesterday there were a couple of dancers dressed with what appeared to be plague doctor's beaks. Is this the Morris Dancing equivalent of going to a disco in a gas mask?
View attachment 194338 View attachment 194340

My knowledge of morris dancing on the day increased from zero to negligible, but they perfom as huginn and muninn, and it's raven masks. their farcebook page has a bit more.
IMG_20191230_131311.jpg I rarely waste my time whingeing about Lambeth Council, as anyone who has lived here long enough knows, it's fair to say whoever has been in charge it's always been a bit shit. However, this makes me angry. I walk by Olive Morris house several times a day. It has been closed for about a year. It was the office of the housing department, goddammit and the building has still got electricity and there is 24hr on-site security. Why cannot they open it up for the homeless? Full demolition work has not started yet and even if they opened it up as temporary shelter just for a few weeks or months it would make a real difference. There are people in sleeping bags and tents literally sleeping on its doorstep most nights in this bitter weather. And the council has the gall to display this poster outside...
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View attachment 194522 I rarely waste my time whingeing about Lambeth Council, as anyone who has lived here long enough knows, it's fair to say whoever has been in charge it's always been a bit shit. However, this makes me angry. I walk by Olive Morris house several times a day. It has been closed for about a year. It was the office of the housing department, goddammit and the building has still got electricity and there is 24hr security. Why cannot they open it up for the homeless? Full demolition work has not started yet and even if they opened it up as temporary shelter just for a few months it would make a real difference. There are people in sleeping bags and tents literally sleeping on its doorstep most nights in this bitter weather. And the council has the gall to display this poster outside...
I couldn't agree more. Can I publish this post on Buzz? Be good to let more people know about the council's hypocrisy? Or do you want to expand a bit more about the topic> No problem if it's a no.
View attachment 194522 I rarely waste my time whingeing about Lambeth Council, as anyone who has lived here long enough knows, it's fair to say whoever has been in charge it's always been a bit shit. However, this makes me angry. I walk by Olive Morris house several times a day. It has been closed for about a year. It was the office of the housing department, goddammit and the building has still got electricity and there is 24hr security. Why cannot they open it up for the homeless? Full demolition work has not started yet and even if they opened it up as temporary shelter just for a few months it would make a real difference. There are people in sleeping bags and tents literally sleeping on its doorstep most nights in this bitter weather. And the council has the gall to display this poster outside...

It has all gone very quiet on when Muse (Lambeth's development partner) are supposed to be starting demolition of the existing building since a Brixton Hill councillor blogged at the start of May...

Olive Morris House redevelopment to begin soon
I couldn't agree more. Can I publish this post on Buzz? Be good to let more people know about the council's hypocrisy? Or do you want to expand a bit more about the topic> No problem if it's a no.
Be my guest and feel free to use the pic. I don't think there is anything more I need to add to it

EDIT: I don't even want to get into a whole debate about the merits about the redevelopment of the New Town Hall / Connexions building / Olive Morris House. All the council needs to answer is why it can't use a currently unused asset - however temporarily - to help shelter the homeless during the cold winter?
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Be my guest and feel free to use the pic. I don't think there is anything more I need to add to it

EDIT: I don't even want to get into a whole debate about the merits about the redevelopment of the New Town Hall / Connexions building / Olive Morris House. All the council needs to answer is why it can't use a currently unused asset - however temporarily - to help shelter the homeless during the cold winter?
Thanks again - posted here Lambeth Council’s homeless campaign is advertised right outside their own empty offices
Be my guest and feel free to use the pic. I don't think there is anything more I need to add to it

EDIT: I don't even want to get into a whole debate about the merits about the redevelopment of the New Town Hall / Connexions building / Olive Morris House. All the council needs to answer is why it can't use a currently unused asset - however temporarily - to help shelter the homeless during the cold winter?
Over a thousand page views so far!

Been looking up figures for deprived areas. This shows Brixton / Loughborough Junction area as in the top 20% of deprived areas in England.

The darker the blue the more deprived.

LSOA are where the data focuses on a few streets in one council ward. Each ward is divided into several LSOA.

I have another map for that I will put up tomorrow.

This maps shows the benefits of gentrification haven't trickled down.

Compares to my home town Plymouth. The working class half of it is still in the top 20% most deprived. Some bits are now worse than Brixton. In the top 10%.

From here. Covers all local authorities

English Indices of Deprivation 2019 - Maps – Google Drive
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the website for deprivation in England.

if you put a postcode in it will show local streets around postcode.

Here is data for area next to Pop Brixton.
In 2019, this LSOA is ranked 4,378 out of 32,844 LSOAs in England; where 1 is the most deprived LSOA. This is amongst the 20% most deprived neighbourhoods in the country.

Lambeth 011B is one of 178 LSOAs in Lambeth local authority district. Using the IMD rank of average summary measure, this local authority ranked 22 in 2015 and 42 in 2019, out of 317 local authorities.

Indices of Deprivation 2015 and 2019
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Anti Semitic graffiti in North London, anti-muslim graffiti on Brixton Road:

Anti-Islamic slogans spray-painted near mosque in Brixton

All that Florence can say on something that happens in this area is this:

Looking at her Twitter when it comes to ant Semitism she is falling over herself to criticise it. Even when its not in here part of London.

Thing is she was a loyal New Labour Cllr from the Progress wing of the party. So its cynically about criticising the left of the party.

Islamaphobia and it's just "reported".

On her patch there are two mosques. Plus a lot of more recent migrants from countries with Islamic backgrounds.

I would have thought her Twitter would have said she is in solidarity with them not just the anodyne post she puts up. That she would visit them.
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