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MP3Fiesta.com - Legality?

cliche guevara

Well-Known Member
Don't want to post a direct link to a potentially dodgy website. My dad has ben using this site to download records, and swears that it's completely legal. My logic tells me that at around a quid an album, it ain't.
Their legal info states:

All materials distributed by MP3fiesta.com comply with copyright license #IT-02/07 and neighboring rights license #IT-02-1/07 issued by UPO "AVTOR".

In accordance with the agreement Site Owner pays license fees for all materials downloaded from the Site subject to the International Copyright Law. Authors, Artists and other Copyright holders including major labels are paid their fair dues.

The copyright observation requires you to use the music files presented on MP3fiesta.com for private listening only. The Site Administration cannot control the use of materials, presented on MP3fiesta.com. Downloading music files from our Site, Customer takes liability for it’s further use. This responsibility depends on national legislation of the country where the Customer resides.

All the copyrighted materials from MP3fiesta.com like name, logo, design and texts are property of "Istok Company" Ltd.

The trademarks, brands, names, logos, slogans and other copyrighted materials located on MP3fiesta.com belong to their Copyright holders. Their commercial use is prohibited without permission.
"Issued by UPO "AVTAR""? WTF?

I smell something fishy.
Sounds well dodgy:

The "answer" below is obviously placed by someone connected with mp3fiesta.com. "Hinky"? Going to tell my "pals"? Sounds like someone using a Russian-English dictionary. The fact is that there is A LOT of internet fraud being perpetrated by Russians. According the the RIAA site mp3fiesta.com is NOT legal. But, worse, they rip off their own customers. The smallest payment increment is $20 and if you don't download within a certain small time period, you lose. Also if you have a credit and tell them you don't want to download any more, they refuse to return it. My advice is to stay away from this site.

MP3Fiesta Accepting Payments Again
Thu, 07/26/2007 - 15:33 — Rob

MP3Fiesta appears to be accepting credit card payments again. They have switched to a different credit card payment processor, www.kagi.com. They have two locations: one in the USA, and the other in England (check out the contact info on their site).

So if you were down and out because you couldn't get any more credits at MP3Fiesta, it looks like you're back in business!
Yes, Rob, folks should do their research, and so should you. THIS RUSSIAN OWNED SITE IS TOTALLY ILLEGAL. Taking information from their website to prove legality is pretty fool hardy. Don't take my word for it - just type "mp3fiesta illegal" into any search engine and you'll get the entire dirty history about the name changes and customer complaints. Anyone giving them their credit card information is asking for trouble.
I use it, got $20 at the start of the year and still have some credit. Downloads are fast and you can pay by paypal, so its not like they have your bank details.

Legality wise, it isn't in the UK, but is in russia. The sites owners made an tiny offer to the record companies, who refused, but the russian court upheld it.
As I understand it (and I may be entirely wrong) there's nothing illegal about downloading music. It's sharing music they nab you for, because you're illegally distributing it. That's why heavy users of Kazaa and so on can be nicked.

So, as you don't have to upload anything to the Russkies, and they've got tanks they can use to fend off the RIIA and the BPI should they get nasty, no-one is in any danger. Also, my credit from allofmp3 was transferred to mp3fiesta, which I thought was extraordinarily good customer service.
As I understand it (and I may be entirely wrong) there's nothing illegal about downloading music.

Not so. You're still making an infringing copy without authorisation. It's a civil case regulated under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

It's sharing music they nab you for, because you're illegally distributing it. That's why heavy users of Kazaa and so on can be nicked.

Distribution incurs higher damages and is also a separate offence under Section 23, so it's more worth their while going after you and why p2p networks are in the frame.
Thanks, that's interesting. The 1988 Act was presumably aimed at stopping home taping from killing music. It seems to have worked.
I didn't realise that any of these sites were 100% legit cos i thought that most of these were p2p sites! I thought that even if a place charges very cheap for them they couldn't have paid for the copyright on each one of them i'm sure!!

Thanks for this though i will look more into it and see if it is truly legal :)
I've tried looking into it and i'm not sure how they can do these so cheaply given that its like $4 for a 44 track ablum which to me there is no way that can be legal!!
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